
20+ results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Rabindranath Tagore and Germany Rabindranath Tagore and Germany Martin Kämpchen On Rabindranath Tagore, 1861-1941, Indian poet. OL1054597W
An Unsocial Socialist An Unsocial Socialist George Bernard Shaw From the book:In the dusk of an October evening, a sensible looking woman of forty came out through an oaken door to a broad landing on the first floor of an old English country-house. A braid of her… OL1066453W
Plays (King Henry VI. Part 2 / King Henry VI. Part 3 / King Richard III) Plays (King Henry VI. Part 2 / King Henry VI. Part 3 / King Richard III) Ludwig Tieck,August Wilhelm Schlegel,Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft Staff,William Shakespeare Contains: - King Henry VI. Part 1 - King Henry VI. Part 2 - King Richard III OL14941856W
The Gargoyle The Gargoyle Andrew Davidson An extraordinary debut novel of love that survives the fires of hell and transcends the boundaries of time. The narrator of The Gargoyle is a very contemporary cynic, physically beautiful and sexu… OL14991669W
Satirae Satirae Horace The Roman philosopher and dramatic critic Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65-3 B.C.), known in English as Horace, was also the most famous lyric poet of his age. Written in the troubled decade ending with … OL15249113W
Europa im Kampf 1939-1944 Europa im Kampf 1939-1944 Constanze Jaiser,Jacob David Pampuch "Mit dem Nachdruck einer in den Jahren 1943/44 heimlich im Konzentrationslager Ravensbruck entstandenen Sammlung von Gedichten und Liedern liegt ein historisches Zeugnis von einzigartiger Konzeption … OL15389025W
Islendzk æventyri Islendzk æventyri Gering, Hugo. NOTE: This is actually a combination of the original two-volume set. Volume II begins at page n360... H. Gering compiled these (mostly ecclesiastical) tales from old handwritten Icelandic vellum a… OL1549973W
Tea-bag Tea-bag Ebba Segerberg,Henning Mankell La vida del célebre poeta sueco Jesper Humlin puede ser tan regalada como vacua, tocada por el desasosiego de la sociedad de la abundancia, sumida en una inanidad apenas salpimentada por las trifulca… OL158652W
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales Hans Christian Andersen Sixteen tales including "Little Claus and Big Claus," "Father's Always Right," and "The Goblin and the Grocer." OL16249171W
Heroides Heroides Ovid,Kennedy,Arthur Palmer Index of proper names appended OL16752749W
When Hitler stole Pink Rabbit When Hitler stole Pink Rabbit Judith Kerr Recounts the adventures of a nine-year-old Jewish girl and her family in the early 1930's as they travel from Germany to England. OL1742390W
Texte, die bleiben Texte, die bleiben Günter Kunert Anthology of literary works by various authors. OL19166088W
Lieder des Ghetto – jiddische Freiheitslieder Lieder des Ghetto – jiddische Freiheitslieder Heiner Jestrabek Die Geschichte der jiddischen Kultur spiegelt sich sehr anschaulich in ihren Liedern wieder. Dokumentiert werden über 150 Lieder von Not und Hoffnung, Arbeit und Kampf, Liedern gegen den Faschismus, … OL20084585W
Der kleine Prinz Der kleine Prinz Antoine de Saint-Exupéry An aviator whose plane is forced down in the Sahara Desert encounters a little prince from a small planet who relates his adventures in seeking the secret of what is important in life. OL20450873W
Watership Down Watership Down Joe Sutphin,James Sturm,Richard Adams Watership Down is the compelling tale of a group of wild rabbits struggling to hold onto their place in the world—soon to be a BBC and Netflix animated miniseries starring James McAvoy, Nicholas Houl… OL2096536W
Die Stundenwachen im Osiriskult Die Stundenwachen im Osiriskult Andreas H. Pries Andreas H. Pries' study on the hour guards in the cult of Osiris serves as a primarily philological and historical ascertainment of a central ritual in the Ptolemaic temple in Egypt. Volume I of the … OL22612003W
The Physician The Physician Noah Gordon Esta fascinante novela describe la pasión de un hombre del siglo XI por vencer la enfermedad y la muerte, aliviar el dolor de sus semejantes e impartir el don casi místico de sanar que le ha sido oto… OL2296577W
Ben Hur Ben Hur Lew Wallace A bestseller since 1880...The classic saga of the Roman EmpireFrom a thrilling sea battle to its famous chariot race to the agony of the Crucifixion, this is the epic tale of a prince who became a sl… OL240210W
Winter in Afghanistan Winter in Afghanistan Oleg Ermakov Afghanistan - das sowjetische Vietnam-Syndrom? Unverkennbare Parallelen tun sich auf, vom Versuch der patriotischen Heroisierung bis zur Verbannung dieses Traumas eines verlorenen, sinnlosen Krieges … OL24308617W
Terminal Innocence Terminal Innocence Klaus Rifbjerg A seemingly perfect couple is destroyed by the girl's mother, who preys on the young man. Narrated by Janus, Tore's hero-worshipping friend. OL25069404W
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