Teaching to transgress
By Bell Hooks, Marta Malo
Subjects: Pédagogie féministe, Reference, Pèadagogik, Pédagogie critique, Kritische pedagogiek, 370.11/5, Verhaltensmodifikation, Pensée, Thinking, Féminisme et éducation, Féminisme, Prejudice, Transgression, Éducation interculturelle, Enseignement, Teaching, Emanzipatorische erziehung, Critical thinking, Thought and thinking, Organizations & Institutions, Study and teaching, Prejudices, Emanzipatorische Erziehung, Feminism, Unterricht, Essays, Pädagogik, Education, Esprit critique, Demokratisierung, Feminisme, Kritisches denken, EDUCATION, Onderwijs, Étude et enseignement, Innovation, Critical pedagogy, Feminism and education, Préjugés, Lc196 .h66 1994, Critical thinking--study and teaching, Relations maître-élève, Pensée critique, Kritisches Denken
Description: In Teaching to Transgress bell hooks—writer, teacher, and insurgent black intellectual—writes about a new kind of education, *education as the practice of freedom*. Teaching students to "transgress" against racial, sexual and class boundaries in order to achieve the gift of freedom is, for hooks, the teacher's most important goal.
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