Teaching to transgress
Bell Hooks,Marta Malo |
In Teaching to Transgress bell hooks—writer, teacher, and insurgent black intellectual—writes about a new kind of education, *education as the practice of freedom*. Teaching students to "transgress" … |
OL15053159W |
Iberia and Latin America
Howard J. Wiarda |
"Good concise introduction to complex connection of Spain and Portugal's histories, cultures, and policies with Latin America over past two decades; raises important questions regarding democratizati… |
OL15074345W |
Culture matters
Samuel P. Huntington |
"Prominent scholars and journalists ponder the question of why, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the world is more divided than ever between the rich and the poor, between those living i… |
OL16063494W |
Democratic theorizing from the margins
Marla Brettschneider |
"Democratic Theorizing from the Margins lays out the basic parameters of diversity-based politics as a still emerging form of democratic theory.
Students, activists, and scholars engage in diversity… |
OL17993101W |
Conceptual structure and social change
Sara Schatz,Javier Jesus Gutierrez-Rexach |
Sociopolitical changes are often associated with ideological shifts at the individual and mass level. The study of how sociopolitical and ideological change interrelate has been the subject of debate… |
OL20629980W |
Pathways to freedom
Isobel Coleman,Terra Lawson-Remer |
"Many developing countries have launched transitions from authoritarianism to democracy over the past twenty-five years. While some have succeeded in building relatively strong democracies with share… |
OL22329011W |
Women as agents of democratisation
Faith Kihiu |
Following a gendered approach, this study presents a descriptive analysis of the role women's organisations have played in the democratisation process in Kenya since the pre-colonial era. |
OL22419218W |
La démocratisation de l'enseignement
Pierre Merle |
Le débat sur l'instruction a une longue histoire. Il a divisé les élites économiques et politiques au temps des Lumières, agité les révolutionnaires, animé l'œuvre réformatrice de François Guizot sou… |
OL29238907W |
State, labor, capital
Paul G. Buchanan |
"Comparative examination of the institutional networks that help to sustain new democracies in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. In a discussion of the role played by labor, capital, and the State in d… |
OL2947004W |
Framing Democracy
John Glenn |
"At the close of the twentieth century, democracy appeared to have overcome the Cold War partition of the world, as countries across the globe had deposed autocratic regimes and held free elections. … |
OL4983082W |
Pacific Asia
Yumei Zhang |
Pacific Asia has witnessed arguably the most dynamic economic growth and social transformation in the world since 1945. Inspired by the example of Japan, a number of high performing economies have em… |
OL8094557W |