Where good ideas come from
Steven Johnson,Steven Johnson |
This work tracks the history of innovation in the form of the "slow hunch". The author discusses how new ideas form from the scaffolding of older ideas, a phenomenon he describes as the "adjacent pos… |
OL15392361W |
North, Michael |
A tour of thoughts about the new over the millennia from the pre-Socratics to the 1970s art world. |
OL19707957W |
The Innovator's Dilemma
Clayton M. Christensen,Don Leslie,L J Ganser |
In his book, The Innovator's Dilemma [3], Professor Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School describes a theory about how large, outstanding firms can fail "by doing everything right." The In… |
OL1999873W |
Un model productiu des del territori
Francesc Xavier Molina Morales |
*Un model productiu des del territori: cap a la clusterització de l’economia valenciana* tracta l’oportunitat i la necessitat de la clusterització de l’economia valenciana. El llibre pretén sistemati… |
OL20661471W |