Teaching to transgress
Bell Hooks,Marta Malo |
In Teaching to Transgress bell hooks—writer, teacher, and insurgent black intellectual—writes about a new kind of education, *education as the practice of freedom*. Teaching students to "transgress" … |
OL15053159W |
Upgrade your brain
John Middleton |
52 fresh ideas for flexing mental muscle.Learn how to maximize brain power and access insight and creativity, at work and at play. From problem-solving to mind-mapping through story-telling and chatt… |
OL15083581W |
Engaging ideas
John C. Bean |
"Engaging Ideas, Second Edition is a practical nuts-and-bolts guide for teachers from any discipline who want to design interest-provoking writing and critical thinking activities and incorporate the… |
OL15952336W |
Minds, brains, computers
Robert M. Harnish |
This volume offers a useful resource that is both a historical and interdisciplinary introduction to the foundations of cognitive science. It traces the history of central concepts from the 19th cent… |
OL16066382W |
Reflective practice
Gwen Sherwood,Sara Horton-Deutsch |
To learn from the events in our lives we must reflect on the situation, understand it and learn from it. Reflective Practice: Transforming Education and Improving Outcomes book Gwen Sherwood and Sara… |
OL16585896W |
Teaching for critical thinking
Stephen Brookfield |
"In Teaching for Critical Thinking, Stephen Brookfield builds on his last three decades of experience running workshops and teaching courses on critical thinking to explore how student learn to think… |
OL16652480W |
Small Teaching
James M. Lang |
Research into how we learn has opened the door for utilizing cognitive theory to facilitate better student learning. But that's easier said than done. Many books about cognitive theory introduce radi… |
OL17879530W |
Como Crear Mapas Mentales
Tony Buzan |
Mind Mapping is a system of planning and note-taking that has changed the lives of people across the world. This guide explains how Mind Maps can make it easy to: - plan a presentation or report - th… |
OL1952690W |
Common sense, the Turing test, and the quest for real AI
Hector J. Levesque |
"What can artificial intelligence teach us about the mind? If AI's underlying concept is that thinking is a computational process, then how can computation illuminate thinking? It's a timely question… |
OL20056174W |
The mind of man
Nigel Calder |
288 p. 25 cm |
OL2381864W |
The art of clear thinking
Rudolf Franz Flesch,Rudolf Flesch |
"Here is a psychological self-help book--with a difference. Most other books of this kind are either book-length pep talks or book-length sermons: this book is neither. Instead, the author has done w… |
OL265734W |
Learning journals and critical incidents
Tony Ghaye,Sue Lillyman |
This is the 2nd edition of the best selling book Learning Journals and Critical Incidents which has been widely acknowledged for its contribution to the understanding of reflection and reflective pra… |
OL27973785W |
All year long
Christine A. Swanson |
Reading exercises provide opportunities for thinking and learning. |
OL28177124W |
Grace Trail
Anne Barry Jolles |
No matter who you are, no matter what you've been through, Grace Trail(R) will connect where you are now with where you want to go. You can walk the trail anywhere, anytime, with anyone by just showi… |
OL29318245W |
The Dragons of Eden
Carl Sagan |
Presents an overview of human evolution and discusses human and animal intelligence, the mechanisms of the brain, memory, sleep, myths and legends about evolution, and the possibility of intelligent … |
OL2950952W |
Thinking goes to school
Hans G. Furth |
Proposes to show how children can be prepared to develop their full potential as 'thinking' human beings. The activities or 'games' described provide a general foundation which should help the child … |
OL3344160W |
Primary Process Thinking
Robert R. Holt |
"Volume 1 ... examines changes in Freud's conceptions of primary and secondary process thought ... Voume 2, included on an enclosed CD, begins with a detailed, self -teaching scoring manual for measu… |
OL4646792W |
Handbook for the Third Millennium
Ron Smothermon |
Most likely the best book ever written for distinguishing the ontological aspects of being for human beings. This handbook is written and built on the point of view that there is no Absolute Truth … |
OL6444970W |