
19 results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Logistische Netzwerke Logistische Netzwerke Wolf-Ru diger Bretzke Viele Arbeiten u ber Logistik und Supply Chain Management sind auf das Design logistischer Prozesse und zugeho riger IT-Systeme fokussiert und behandeln Fragen der "Ressourcenarchitektur' nur am Rand… OL16951252W
Age-Differentiated Work Systems Age-Differentiated Work Systems Christopher Marc Schlick The disproportionate aging of the population of working age in many nations around the world is a unique occurrence in the history of humankind. In the light of demographic change, it is becoming inc… OL19825039W
Applied Decision Support with Soft Computing Applied Decision Support with Soft Computing Xinghuo Yu Soft computing has provided sophisticated methodologies for the development of intelligent decision support systems. Fast advances in soft computing technologies, such as fuzzy logic and systems, art… OL19827276W
Energy Management Systems Energy Management Systems Edmund Handschin Network control is a young discipline and yet already a considerable number of textbooks have been published on the topic. The aim of this book is to give a comprehensive description of Energy Manage… OL19847411W
Erfolg in Netzwerken Erfolg in Netzwerken Joachim Milberg,Günther Schuh Unternehmensnetzwerke spielen eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle in allen Bereichen der Industrie und sind deshalb ein brandaktueller Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Forschung. Sie werden auf allen Ebenen d… OL19848084W
Illustrated Engineering Dictionary Illustrated Engineering Dictionary Heinz K. Flack,Georg Mollerke Wieviel einfacher und sinnfälliger kann doch eine gute Zeichnung sein, gerade wenn es einen technischen Begriff in einer fremden Sprache zu erklären gilt! Dieses reich illustrierte, deutsch-englische… OL19856798W
Integrierte Materialwirtschaft und Logistik Integrierte Materialwirtschaft und Logistik A. Meier,Helmut Wannenwetsch Dieses hochaktuelle Buch gibt einen sowohl umfassenden als auch detaillierten Überblick über das gesamte Spektrum der modernen Logistik, Materialwirtschaft und Produktion. Dabei wird besonders auf di… OL19858110W
Interactive Image Processing for Machine Vision Interactive Image Processing for Machine Vision Bruce G. Batchelor Machine vision systems offer great potential in a large number of areas of manufacturing industry and are used principally for Automated Visual Inspection and Robot Vision. This publication presents … OL19858342W
Iterative Learning Control for Deterministic Systems Iterative Learning Control for Deterministic Systems Kevin L. Moore Iterative Learning Control for Deterministic Systems is part of the new Advances in Industrial Control series, edited by Professor M.J. Grimble and Dr. M.A. Johnson of the Industrial Control Unit, Un… OL19877379W
Laser in der Produktion Laser in der Produktion Hans-Jürgen Warnecke Bis zur breiten industriellen Anwendung dieses neuen Werkzeuges mußte die Lasertechnologie verschiedene wechselhafte Phasen durchlaufen. Erst in den letzten fünf Jahren konnte sich der Laser in versc… OL19881795W
LISS 2012 LISS 2012 Zhenji Zhang Information and communication technology has helped to provide a more effective network infrastructure and development platform for logistics and service operations. In order to meet the needs of con… OL19884303W
Markets, Pricing, and Deregulation of Utilities Markets, Pricing, and Deregulation of Utilities Michael A. Crew Markets, Pricing, and Deregulation of Utilities examines the effects of deregulation on the energy and telecommunications industries in an economic environment that has changed dramatically since der… OL19885832W
Multi-Agent Based Beam Search for Real-Time Production Scheduling and Control Multi-Agent Based Beam Search for Real-Time Production Scheduling and Control Shu Gang Kang <p>The Multi-Agent Based Beam Search (MABBS) method systematically integrates four major requirements of manufacturing production - <i>representation capability</i>, <i>solution quality</i>, <i>compu… OL19889399W
New Business Models and Value Creation: A Service Science Perspective New Business Models and Value Creation: A Service Science Perspective Lino Cinquini The contemporary economic landscape features the prevalence of the service sector in economic systems, the pervasive servitisation of manufacturing, innovations in traditional business models and new… OL19890561W
Online Scheduling in Manufacturing Online Scheduling in Manufacturing Haruhiko Suwa <p><p><p>Online scheduling is recognized as the crucial decision-making process of production control at a phase of “being in production" according to the released shop floor schedule. Online schedul… OL19892228W
Power Systems Restructuring Power Systems Restructuring Marija Ilic The restructuring of the power industry has already begun and will be fully implemented in the United States and many other countries by the beginning of the 21st century. Unlike other sectors of the… OL19895974W
Progress in Materials Handling and Logistics Progress in Materials Handling and Logistics John A. White The first integrated presentation of leading-edge contributions to material handling and logistics, this book provides up-to-the-date research results for a wide range of topics of interest to those … OL19897334W
Robot Reliability and Safety Robot Reliability and Safety Balbir Dhillon This monograph, intended for use by practicing engineers, as well as students and researchers, covers the important topic of robot reliability and safety. There is a great need for increased performa… OL19900184W
A Systems Approach to AMT Deployment A Systems Approach to AMT Deployment D. R. Towill A Systems Approach to AMT Development is part of the Advanced Manufacturing Series edited by Professor Pham of the University of Wales, College of Cardiff. Its subject is the acquisition of Advanced … OL19905455W