Milton Meltzer |
Discusses the social, political, economic, and gastronomic aspects of food in its many forms. |
OL14941642W |
The table comes first
Adam Gopnik |
"From the author of Paris to the Moon--one man's quest for the meaning of food in a time obsessed with what to eat. Never before have we cared so much about food. It preoccupies our popular culture, … |
OL16470937W |
Who wants pizza?
Jan Thornhill |
Discusses the history of food, from early hunter-gatherers and domesticating animals for food to the science behind food preservation, produce cultivation, artificial flavor enhancers, and genetic mo… |
OL16604469W |
Philip Hauge Abelson |
Economics, olitics, and social structure; Nutrition; Agricultural research; Basic bioloy. |
OL17977515W |
Food additives data book
Lily Hong-Shum,Jim Smith |
"The use of additives in food is dynamic, as consumers demand fewer additives in foods and governments review the list of additives approved and their permitted levels. Scientists also refine the kno… |
OL19850693W |
Food and energy resources
David Pimentel,Carl W. Hall |
De invloed van energie, land en water op de voedselproduktie wordt door een aantal deskundigen in afzonderlijke hoofdstukken weergegeven. De bedoeling ervan is dat het als achtergrondinformatie dient… |
OL20479619W |
Le nouveau dictionnaire des aliments
Solange Monette |
Une mine de renseignements utiles sur plus de 400 aliments ou groupes d'aliments : origine, caractéristiques physiques, valeur nutritive, achat, préparation, cuisson, utilisation et conservation. |
OL24279760W |
Les miscellanées culinaires de MR. Schott
Ben Schott |
Ensemble de notations instructives ou saugrenues, l'ouvrage propose de découvrir comment Hemingway composait ses Martini, le goût d'une punaise d'eau géante, comment troquer des fèves de cacao avec l… |
OL24280994W |
Le goût et la cuisine
Pascal Desjours,Jean-François Martin |
Ce livre est un parcours d'exploration autour du goût organisé en dix séquences. L'enfant va observer, faire des expériences, réfléchir et comprendre ses sens. |
OL24435257W |
Petit Ours Brun aime Noël
Danièle Bour,Marie Aubinais |
Album qui raconte, dans un texte de deux ou trois lignes et une illustration pleine page, de menus faits de la vie de Petit Ours brun. |
OL24846046W |
Food adulteration and how to beat it
London Food Commission |
In this book the London food commission speels out the dangers of food adulteration, and suggests solutions. It challenges official policy and condemns official secrecy |
OL26213754W |
La bible des conserves
Rivard, Louise (Agronome) |
L'ouvrage présente près de deux cents recettes pour conserver les fruits, les légumes, les fines herbes et les épices. [SDM]. |
OL27716605W |
Gluten-free diet
James L. Shirley |
"This book is a must-have shopping guide to go with your favorite gluten-free cookbooks. It will open your eyes to new products and add variety back into your menu. The book includes infant and toddl… |
OL28589310W |
Animal crackers
Melissa Schiller |
"Shopping with Mom can be so much fun. A little imagination can turn a box of animal crackers into a parade." |
OL28606047W |
All about food
Michèle Mira Pons |
Looks at the history of food, its cultural aspects, digestion, and why healthy eating is important. Suggested level: primary, intermediate. |
OL29250145W |
Omnivore's Dilemma. A Natural History of Four Meals
Michael Pollan,Richie Chevat,Raul Nagore |
What should we have for dinner? The question has confronted us since man discovered fire, but according to Michael Pollan, the bestselling author of The Botany of Desire, how we answer it today, at t… |
OL3296483W |
World hunger
Patricia L. Kutzner |
Gives a broad overview of the many dimensions of world hunger, focusing specifically on the context of economic, social, political, and scientific contraints that affect global food security. |
OL3988455W |
Health maintenance through food and nutrition
Helen D. Ullrich |
Approximately 1400 references to journal articles, books, pamphlets, leaflets, reports, teaching aids, journals, and organizations. Classified arrangement. Each entry gives bibliographical informatio… |
OL6085321W |
Dictionary of Food
Charles Sinclair |
The Dictionary of Food covers a wide range of ingredients, classical dishes and cooking processes, equipment and terms from a variety of different countries within Europe, America, South America, Aus… |
OL8355947W |