Glorious grasses
Meredith Sayles Hughes |
Discusses how humans have cultivated and used various grains, including wheat, rice, corn, millet, oats, barley, and rye and the nutritional value of these cereal products. Includes recipes. |
OL134491W |
Plants we live on
Carroll Lane Fenton |
Traces the history of common grains and vegetables from their wild state to their cultivation by man. |
OL1503397W |
Nancy Dickmann |
Learn about all the different types of foods that are made from whole grains. |
OL15568572W |
Fruit and cereal bioactives
Ozlem Tokusoglu |
"Presenting up-to-date data in an easy-to-use format, this comprehensive overview of the chemistry of bioactive components of fruits and cereals addresses the role of these compounds in determining t… |
OL15999101W |
Grains group
Megan Borgert-Spaniol |
"Relevant images match informative text in this introduction to the grains group. Intended for students in kindergarten through third grade"-- |
OL16142266W |
Bread and grains
D. H. Dilkes |
"Introduces bread and grains in everyday meals to pre-readers using repetition of words and short, simple sentences with photos and illustrations to enhance the text"--Provided by publisher. |
OL16282829W |
Grain mains
Bruce Weinstein |
"A long-overdue cookbook that takes whole grains from "good for you" side dish to sophisticated and satisfying main course. We all know that choosing whole grains over processed ingredients is better… |
OL16546948W |
Cereal biotechnology
Peter C. Morris,James H. Bryce |
More than 50% of the world's food comes from the three cereals: wheat, maize and rice. In order to continue to fed a growing world population the food industry must understand the potential benefits … |
OL16932796W |
Insects of stored grain
David Rees |
A pocket reference that allows the non-specialist to identify major insect and arachnid pests found in stored cereal grains, grain products and grain legumes. It describes most storage pests found wo… |
OL16974190W |
The whole grain promise
Robin Asbell |
From quinoa to bulgar and millet to kasha, whole grains add a hearty, healthy, and flavorful boost to any meal. In The Whole Grain Promise, Robin Asbell shares quick and easy whole grain recipes that… |
OL17926533W |
Scott Wrobel,Ellen Hurwitz |
Describes the cultivation and harvesting of various types of grains and discusses their many uses. |
OL1888319W |
Homegrown whole grains
Sara Pitzer |
A backyard field of grains? Yes, absolutely! Wheat and corn are rapidly replacing grass in the yards of dedicated locavores across the country. For adventurous homeowners who want to get in on the mo… |
OL1944299W |
Pseudocereals and Less Common Cereals
Peter S. Belton |
This book, written by leading grain scientists from Europe and Africa, examines six such grains that have been important food crops in various parts of the world and have the potential for much great… |
OL19897710W |
Lola M. Schaefer |
This series explains the benefits and drawbacks of different foods and looks at how they fit into a balanced diet. Includes information and checklists about the benefits of different types of food he… |
OL22072028W |
Marketing in peasant economy
Rajagopal |
On the grain marketing structure in India. |
OL2322773W |
Ciclo del pan
Cristina Quental |
"Cuento didactico complementado con canciones, rimas y una pequena pieza teatral, para ninos de a partir de 5 anos que explican, a traves de las divertidas clases y excursiones de nuestra maestra Ter… |
OL24254806W |
Grains and cereals
Sally Hewitt |
"Grains and cereals are important for a healthy life. They provide us with the nutrients we need to grow and have a healthy body."--Page 4 of cover. |
OL24694159W |
Federal-grant research at the state agricultural experiment stations
United States. Agricultural Research Service |
"This compilation is one of a series providing information on State agricultural experiment station research supported by Federal-grant funds appropriated annually by Congress under authorization of … |
OL24949983W |
Grain products
Heather C. Hudak |
Discusses the nutritional value of eating grain products such as bread, pasta, and rice. |
OL26449778W |
Cereals, nuts & spices
Cecilia Fitzsimons |
Provides information about various kinds of cereal grains, nuts, and spices, as well as some advice on growing them and activities and recipes using them. |
OL2922187W |