Strategy rules
David B. Yoffie |
"The authors of the bestselling Competing on Internet Time (a Business Week top 10 book) analyze the strategies, principles, and skills of three of the most successful and influential figures in busi… |
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Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Online Marketing
Jörg Link |
Bereits jetzt führt die Existenz des Internet zu tiefgreifenden Änderungen bestehender Marktstrukturen, die sich in Zukunft noch verstärken werden. Dieses Buch bietet eine systematische Untersuchung … |
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Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning (6th Edition)
John Rudd,Nigel Piercy,Graham Hooley,Brigitte Nicoulaud |
xv, 569 pages : 27 cm |
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The rule of three
Jagdish Sheth,Rajendra Sisodia |
"Based on extensive studies of market forces, the distinguished business school strategists and corporate advisers Jagdish Sheth and Rajendra Sisodia show that natural competitive forces shape the va… |
OL20545211W |