The rise of true crime
Jean Murley |
"During the 1950s and 1960s True Detective magazine developed a new way of narrating and understanding murder. This publication was more sensitive to context, gave more psychologically sophisticated … |
OL11952744W |
Suspended Animation
Robert Mills |
When Marsellus in the film Pulp Fiction asserts, "I'm gonna git medieval on your ass," we know that he is about to bring down a fierce and exacting punishment. Yet is the violence of the Middle Ages … |
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Literature, testimony and cinema in contemporary Colombian culture
Rory O'Bryen |
212 pages : 24 cm |
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Creating Cultural Monsters
Julie B. Wiest |
Serial murderers generate an abundance of public interest, media coverage, and law enforcement attention, yet after decades of studies, serial murder researchers have been unable to answer the most i… |
OL16929177W |
Misreading Masculinity
Thomas Newkirk |
"In this book Tom Newkirk takes an up-close and personal look at elementary boys and their relationship to sports, movies, video games, and other venues of popular culture. Unlike the alarmists, he s… |
OL2722806W |
Gewaltmusik Musikgewalt
Klaus Miehling |
In den letzten Jahrzehnten war ein umfassender Wertewandel zu verzeichnen, der unter anderem dazu führte, daß kriminelles Verhalten alltäglich geworden ist. Das Buch „Gewaltmusik - Musikgewalt" bewei… |
OL3601495W |