Monitoring stream channels and riparian vegetation -- multiple indicators
Timothy A. Burton |
The purpose of this guide about the Multiple Indicator Method (MIM) is to provide an efficient and effective approach to monitoring streams and riparian vegetation. This protocol is designed to meet … |
OL24969194W |
Avian responses to management of riparian habitat in the Prineville District, Bureau of Land Manage…
Hilary A. Cooke |
Reports on research that demonstrates that the key to restoration of riparian habitat for songbird occupancy is management that is guided by those features of the woody vegetation affected by livesto… |
OL26437235W |
Surface water analysis and management recommendations for the Carico Lake Allotment
Joe Ratliff |
"In 1999, the Battle Mountain Field Office, Bureau of Land Management, in Nevada, utilized Clean Water Action Plan directed funds to conduct a baseline water quality analysis of the Carico Lake allot… |
OL26455548W |
Riparian community and bank response to management
Christine Rasmussen |
"In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Wayne Elmore...and others under his direction conducted a qualitative and quantitative survey of the in-stream habitat, riparian vegetation, bank conditions, water… |
OL27293235W |
A guide for estimating the effects current livestock management has on stream fish production
James R. Lloyd |
"This guide is designed to assist range management specialists in analyzing the condition of the riparian environment in relation to the past and current livestock grazing management and the compatib… |
OL31204454W |
Arizona BLM watershed workshop
Arizona. Department of Environmental Quality |
Printout of presentation and workshop handouts. |
OL34722861W |