Den Frieden verantworten. Politische Ethik bei Francisco Suárez (1548-1617)
Markus Kremer |
Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) steht an der Schwelle zwischen mittelalterlicher Scholastik und moderner Rechtsphilosophie. Dies erlaubt es, in ihm einen Theologen zu sehen, der - Bewährtes bewahrend - … |
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Laying Down the Sword
Philip Jenkins |
Commands to kill, to commit ethnic cleansing, to institutionalize segregation, to hate and fear other races and religions -- all are in the Bible, and all occur with a far greater frequency than in t… |
OL16266994W |
The Vicar of Baghdad
Canon Andrew White |
As the vicar of St. George's Church in Baghdad, the only Episcopalian church in Iraq, Canon Andrew White has worked with those at the highest levels of authority in Iraq, for both Westerners and Iraq… |
OL17365445W |
Just revolution
Anna Floerke Scheid |
Despite the U.S. Catholic Bishops' 1983 declaration that "insufficient analytical attention has been given to the moral issues of revoluationary warfare," theological scholarship has been slow to eng… |
OL20974386W |