The boy in the moon
Brown, Ian |
Ian Brown's son, Walker, was born with a genetic mutation so rare that doctors call it an orphan syndrome: at most, three hundred people around the world live with it. At thirteen, Walker is still in… |
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L'accompagnement d'un enfant différent au quotidien
Manon Couture |
J'ai choisi volontairement pour ce livre de relater une histoire vécue à mes tout débuts comme intervenante psycho-sociale. Un diplôme collégial en poche, mais tout à apprendre (vous verrez...). Mon … |
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Special children, blessed fathers
Randy Hain |
This book is a treasure-trove of heart-warming stories, practical help, and inspiration for fathers of children with special needs. Author Randy Hain and all of the contributors open their hearts to … |
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Walking hand in hand with Cameron, together we can!
Becki Enck |
Share the Enck family's journey into the world of special-needs parenting. Travel with them as they share the feelings they felt as they learned of Cameron's brain damage and their struggles to obtai… |
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Engaging and empowering families in secondary transition
Donna Wandry,Amy Pleet |
"[T]his guide includes tools for assessing families' and practitioners' engagement in practices that promote positive post-school outcomes for youth with disabilities. Engaging and Empowering Familie… |
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