The earliest relationship
Bertrand G. Cramer,T. Berry Brazelton |
The world-renowned pediatrician, T. Berry Brazelton, and Bertrand Cramer, psychoanalyst and pioneer in infant psychiatry, have combined lifetimes of research and practice to write the definitive work… |
OL19704259W |
Babyproofing your marriage
Stacie Cockrell,Cathy O'Neill,Julia Stone |
Citing the challenges posed by parenthood on otherwise strong marriages, a reference based on the advice of hundreds of families makes recommendations for such topics as the division of labor, sexual… |
OL19829519W |
Sleeping like a baby
Pinky McKay |
This new book by popular parenting expert Pinky McKay offers down-to-earth and heartening advice on helping babies (and their parents!) sleep better. Like all Pinky's books, it focuses on taking the … |
OL19974679W |
Baby Om
Laura Staton,Sarah Perron |
Provides four step-by-step classes for postpartum recovery and infant development, addresses the needs of post-cesarean mothers, offers baby bonding exercises, profiles nursing poses, and discusses p… |
OL19976408W |
La noche en que tú naciste
Nancy Tillman |
The moon, wind, rain, and a variety of animals celebrate the special occasion that is the birth of a child.
La luna, el viento, la lluvia, y una variedad de animales celebran la ocasión especial que… |
OL20011924W |
Talking baby
Margaret A. Maclagan |
The development of language through the preschool years is a remarkable journey, but it is not one that your child will make alone. Children make this journey because people around them talked to the… |
OL20056403W |
Safe & sound
Jean Roussen |
Young chipmunks live underground, while kangaroo joeys need a pouch, and crocodile hatchlings hide in their mother's mouths. And so baby animals are safe and sound with their grown-ups close around! |
OL20057548W |
On the night you were born
Nancy Tillman |
The moon, wind, rain, and a variety of animals celebrate the special occasion that is the birth and individuality of a child. |
OL20634444W |
Wow! Ni de bao bao shi tian cai
Glenn J. Doman |
Presents information on newborn growth and development and explains how to facilitate a baby's brain development in the home, providing tools for identifying one's baby's strengths and showing how to… |
OL20653817W |
Baby's first year
Sandy Jones,Marcie Jones |
Provides a guide to the first twelve months of life with a new baby, including information on feeding, diaper changing, immunizations, intelligence, development, nutrition, and medical care. |
OL2082324W |
Beyond smart
Linda Morgan |
Beyond Smart is the first book to give parents practical, realistic tools for maximizing all aspects of their child’s educational experience, from academics to social and emotional learning, b… |
OL20905103W |
A baby wants to be carried
Evelin Kirkilionis |
Carrying your baby - in a sling, wrap or other carrier - often known as 'babywearing', is more than just a convenient means of transport. In A Baby Wants to be Carried author Evelin Kirkilionis expla… |
OL20907966W |
365 activities you and your baby will love
Davis, Susan E. |
Indoors or out, on the go or at home, this volume provides plenty ideas for entertaining the tots. It offers parents and caregivers inexpensive, easy-to-do activities designed to teach and amuse chil… |
OL23988994W |
Guider son enfant de 0 à 2 ans
Sylvie Louis |
Clair et bien documenté, ce guide propose des pistes de solution aux questions que se posent les parents sur leurs nourrissons. On y trouve des conseils de spécialistes de la petite enfance et des té… |
OL24268326W |
Le plus heureux des bébés
Harvey Karp |
De précieux conseils pour calmer et consoler les bébés qui pleurent beaucoup. [SDM]. |
OL24279957W |
Cu cu!
Jeanne Ashbe,Ana Coll-Vinent |
RESUMEN: Unos bebes se escondan y hacen "cu cu" con sus padres y hermanos. SUMMARY: Babies play "peekaboo" with their parents and sibings. |
OL27693273W |
The Diaper-Free Baby
Christine Gross-loh |
Imagine infants free from painful diaper rash, new parenthood without thousands of dollars wasted in diapering costs, toilet training that is natural and non–coercive, and, most importantly, happier … |
OL278288W |
Guess How Much I Love You
Anita Jeram,Sam McBratney,Rolf Inhauser,Ian Shapiro,Evgenia Kanishcheva,Anita Jeram,Josune Muñoz Skolastika,Josune Muñoz Skolastika,Josune Muñoz Skolastika,Josune Muñoz Skolastika |
Welcome the family classic with an elegant, refreshed cover — the quintessential picture book, just waiting to be shared.
Sometimes, when you love someone very, very much, you want to find a way o… |
OL58402W |
Baby Einstein
Julie Aigner-Clark,Nadeem Zaidi |
Lush photographs of animals from all over the world introduce children to the wonders of nature and stimulate their interest in the world around them. Baby Noah builds on children's natural curiosity… |
OL8571036W |