Water quality trends in the Entiat River Watershed
Richard D. Woodsmith |
A large, multiagency effort is underway in the interior Columbia River basin (ICRB) to restore salmon, trout, and char listed as threatened or endangered under the 1973 federal Endangered Species Act… |
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Come Back, Salmon
Molly Cone |
Describes the efforts of the Jackson Elementary School in Everett, Washington, to clean up a nearby stream, stock it with salmon, and preserve it as an unpolluted place where the salmon could return … |
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Salmon migration
M. J. Cosson |
Explains how wild salmon live and grow; discusses their migration, its purpose, and its routes; and lists threats wild salmon may face on their migration. |
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The salmon stream
Keith Pigdon |
Presents a case study ot two species of animals, brown bears and salmon, in one habitat -- a salmon stream. It describes how they benefit each other and the habitat in which they live. |
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