NGOs, civil society, and the public sphere
Sabine Lang |
"Nongovernmental organizations act on behalf of citizens in politics and society. Yet many question their legitimacy and ask who they speak for. This book investigates how NGOs can become stronger ad… |
OL16672170W |
L'Action humanitaire
Que sais-je?,Guillaume D'Andlau |
L'histoire de l'action humanitaire, son évolution jusqu'à aujourd'hui ainsi que les défis auxquels elle est confrontée quotidiennement. |
OL25069728W |
The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid
C. K. Prahalad |
The world's most exciting, fastest-growing new market?It's where you least expect it: at the bottom of the pyramid. Collectively, the world's billions of poor people have immense entrepreneurial capa… |
OL4966651W |
Ecotourism, NGOs and Development
Jim Butcher |
Ecotourism has emerged over the last twenty years not just as a market niche, but also as a strategy for combining development with conservation in the developing world. Ecotourism, NGOs and Developm… |
OL5961773W |