Developing moral community in a pluralist school setting
Alex R. Rodger |
75 p. ; 21 cm |
OL12563420W |
A quest for character
Yvonne Germaine Dufault |
This book provides much primary data from the mouths of four Native elders and one highly respected Ojibway playwright in Ontario. Don Trent Four Arrows Jacobs who is the world's foremost authority o… |
OL13212321W |
The moral instruction of children
Felix Adler |
6 editions |
OL132261W |
None dare call it education
John A. Stormer |
This book is filled with examples of horrible and outrageous happenings in America's schools. The "horrible examples" were collected from teachers and parents, state and local school board members, s… |
OL15147925W |
Ten talks parents must have with their children about sex and character
Pepper Schwartz |
Offers parents advice on how to speak to their children about sexuality, with ten scenarios to help parents prepare children for the sexual questions and situations they may encounter. |
OL16028387W |
Activities for building character and social-emotional learning
Katia Petersen |
"Hundreds of user-friendly lesson plans help teachers build attitudes of respect and caring, reduce problem behaviors, empower students to solve problems, and educate the whole child socially, emotio… |
OL16495622W |
Reasons for living
Marisa L. Crawford |
Explores the development and psychological function of meaning, identity and spirituality in the lives of young people. This can contribute significantly to the professional background of those engag… |
OL16939995W |
Conflict, contradiction, and contrarian elements in moral development and education
Larry P. Nucci |
Publisher description: The premise of this book is that individuals and societies have an inexorable urge to morally develop by challenging the assumptions of the previous generation in terms of what… |
OL18410848W |
For goodness sake
Walter Feinberg |
While the question of religion in public schools is often a matter of fierce debate, few Americans consider the implication of religious education on moral education and liberal democracy more genera… |
OL1861374W |
The good neighbor
Maxwell King |
Fred Rogers (1928-2003) was an enormously influential figure in the history of television and in the lives of tens of millions of children. As the creator and star of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, he … |
OL19761768W |
Whose America? Culture Wars in the Public Schools
Jonathan Zimmerman |
"What do America's children learn about American history, American values and human decency? Who decides? In this book, Jonathan Zimmerman tells the dramatic story of conflict, compromise and more co… |
OL1980548W |
Character education
Leigh Ann Anderson,Donald R. Glover |
Combines character education and physical education in forty-three community-building fitness activities that meet NASPE standards, and includes reproducible forms for portfolio assessment. |
OL20208126W |
Educating the heart
Lulu Lopez,Frank Siccone |
Publisher's description: Educating the Heart is a resource specifically designed to help teachers meet two of the most demanding challenges they face -- building student's respect for themselves and … |
OL20228961W |
The war to save our kids
Richard P. Lindsay |
144 p. : 23 cm |
OL2028547W |
Exploring values through literature, multimedia, and literacy events
Ann Watts Pailliotet,Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt |
"The exploration of values, contend editors Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt and Ann Watts Pailliotet, is a process that should not be left to chance. The contributors to this book - literacy teachers, teac… |
OL20506982W |
Lucia Raatma,Madonna M. Murphy |
Describes peacefulness as a virtue and suggests ways in which children can recognize and practice it. |
OL20638953W |
The formative five
Thomas R. Hoerr |
"For success in school and life, students need more than proficiency in academic subjects and good scores on tests; those goals should form the floor, not the ceiling, of their education. To truly th… |
OL20651635W |
Moral education for women in the pastoral and Pythagorean letters
Annette Bourland Huizenga |
"Huizenga examines the Greco-Roman moral-philosophical 'curriculum' for women by comparing these two epistolary collections. The analysis is organized around four elements: textual resources, teacher… |
OL20956188W |
Values Across the Curriculum
Peter Tomlinson,Margret Quinton |
1 volume ; 24 cm |
OL21319424W |
Power of Character
Andrew Reay |
240 pages : 22 cm |
OL21326020W |