Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde describing disordered relationship between science and the …
Robert Louis Stevenson,Dr. Andrej Poleev |
A conceptual book of metascience |
OL15374185W |
Training cognition
Alice F. Healy,Lyle Eugene Bourne |
"This book describes research on training using cognitive psychology to build a complete empirical and theoretical picture of the training process. It includes a review of relevant cognitive psycholo… |
OL16461885W |
Make It Stick
Mark A. McDaniel,Henry L. Roediger,Peter C. Brown,Peter C. Brown |
To most of us, learning something "the hard way" implies wasted time and effort. Good teaching, we believe, should be creatively tailored to the different learning styles of students and should use s… |
OL17879515W |
Visible learning into action
John Hattie |
This book is aimed at any student, teacher or parent requiring an up-to-date commentary on how research into human learning processes can inform our teaching and what goes on in our schools. |
OL19669363W |
Collaborative Learning
Kenneth A. Bruffee |
Advocates a far-reaching change in the relations between college and university professors and their students, between the learned and the learning. |
OL2030323W |
Learners and pedagogy
Jenny Leach,Bob Moon |
"Learners and Pedagogy looks at the relationship between views of learning, learners, knowledge and pedagogy. Worldwide, education is being subjected to a succession of policy initiatives and politic… |
OL20544673W |
Lernen ist schmerzhaft
Fritz Oser |
Aus Fehlern und Irrtümern lernen ist für niemanden angenehm, aber es führt dazu, dass Menschen eine Sache nachher besser verstehen, etwas Falsches nicht mehr tun, eine erfahrene Ungerechtigkeit nicht… |
OL29316613W |