This readable and informative survey, including both new research and synthesis, provides the first close comparison of race, class and internationalism in the British and American women's movements … |
OL13628459W |
Significant sisters
Margaret Forster |
Portrays eight women's rights advocates of the 19th and early 20th centuries: Caroline Norton, Elizabeth Blackwell, Florence Nightingale, Emily Davies, Josephine Butler, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Marga… |
OL14851532W |
Outlaw Culture
Bell Hooks |
Bell hooks, one of America's leading black intellectuals, is also one of our most clear-eyed and penetrating analysts of culture. Outlaw culture--the culture of the margin, of women, of the disenfran… |
OL15053153W |
Teaching to transgress
Bell Hooks,Marta Malo |
In Teaching to Transgress bell hooks—writer, teacher, and insurgent black intellectual—writes about a new kind of education, *education as the practice of freedom*. Teaching students to "transgress" … |
OL15053159W |
The remembered gate
Barbara J. Berg |
"Chronicle of the beginning of woman's emancipation ... Dr. Berg finds its roots in the complex responses to intricate social change that accompanied the urbanization of America, maintaining that the… |
OL16578516W |
Mothers and Sons
Andrea O'Reilly |
For all with an interest in family issues, gender issues, or a new perspective on mothering, this book is a must read. |
OL16939916W |
Feminist Review
Feminist Review Collective |
In this issue each article addresses a controversial theme in contemporary feminist debate: pornography, the veil, HRT, disability and the Inkatha Women's Brigade. |
OL16950762W |
Feminist Review
The Feminist Review Collective |
Feminist Review is the UK's leading feminist journal. It has a unique place in the women's movement internationally. This issue focusing on Nationalism and National Identities features articles by Na… |
OL16963618W |
L'Histoire des femmes au Québec depuis quatre siècles
Marie L. Lavigne,Micheline Dumont-Johnson,Collectif Clio,Michèle Stanton-Jean |
Certains diront peut-être : « Encore un livre sur les femmes !» Ils se trompent. C'est un autre livre d'histoire. C'est l'histoire dite autrement.
Quatre historiennes ont relevé ce défi. S'appuya… |
OL17074221W |
Daughters of Abraham
Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad,John L. Esposito |
"Important for a general audience interested in women and religion, this book will be especially valuable to scholars in the fields of feminist theology, comparative religion, and interfaith studies.… |
OL17775281W |
The politics of women's spirituality
Charlene Spretnak |
Essays discuss goddess worship, spiritual consciousness, the relationship between politics and religion, and applications of spirituality as a political force. |
OL18416945W |
Beyond Power On Women Men and Morals
Marilyn French |
This examination of the nature and effects of power draws on the wide range of disciplines, including anthropology, history, political science, law, and theology to investigate the sources of patriar… |
OL1860024W |
Victim no more
Gayle MacDonald |
"This book challenges the idea that women are simply victims of patriarchal systems. The editors argue that "Women-as-victim" is not an emancipatory cry that encourages all women to join efforts in c… |
OL18703018W |
Feminism and philosophy
Frederick Elliston,Mary Vetterling-Braggin |
"Feminism and Philosophy is a collection of essays by thirty-three contemporary philosophers. Both sides of the moral issues concerning controversial topics are presented. The contributors give vario… |
OL18829299W |
Race, gender, and the activism of Black feminist theory
Suryia Nayak |
"Beginning from the premise that psychology needs to be questioned, dismantled, and new perspectives brought to the table in order to produce alternative solutions, this book takes an unusual trans-d… |
OL19662496W |
Perspectives on feminist political thought in European history
Siep Stuurman,Tjitske Akkerman |
Spanning six centuries of political thought in European history, this book puts the ideas of thinkers from Christine de Pizan to Simone de Beauvoir in the broader contexts of their time. Conventional… |
OL19894152W |
The feminine subject
Susan J. Hekman |
"In 1949 Simone de Beauvoir asked, "What does it mean to be a woman?" Her answer to that question inaugurated a radical transformation of the meaning of "woman" that defined the direction of subseque… |
OL19990781W |
Sex object
Jessica Valenti |
"Who would I be if I lived in a world that didn't hate women?" Hailed by the Washington Post as "one of the most visible and successful feminists of her generation," Jessica Valenti has been leading … |
OL20028272W |
Sharing the work
Myra H. Strober |
"Myra Strober became a feminist on the Bay Bridge, heading toward San Francisco. It is 1970. She has just been told by the chairman of Berkeley's economics department that she can never get tenure. D… |
OL20045732W |
Making Space for Indigenous Feminism
Joyce Green |
"The 2007 first edition of this book proposed that Indigenous feminism was a valid and indeed essential theoretical and activist position, and introduced a roster of important Indigenous feminist con… |
OL20213452W |