Ensenar y aprender con interes
Gabriel Camara |
En una escuela el interes del maestro por ensenar y de los estudiantes por aprender es personal; nadie lo da o lo impone, es el acto mas libre y mas autonomo. En este libro, los autores de Convivenci… |
OL15171999W |
The macroeconomics of scaling up aid
Andrew Berg |
This study analyzes key issues associated with large increases in aid, including absorptive capacity, Dutch disease, and inflation. The authors develop a framework that emphasizes the different roles… |
OL18407525W |
On becoming a leader
Warren G. Bennis |
My first report on the subject was published as Leaders (Harper and Row, 1985, co-authored with Bert Nanus). Leaders covered the whats. On Becoming a Leader is the hows: how people become leaders, ho… |
OL1883445W |
Roy J. Lewicki |
Explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation. This book also looks at the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution. |
OL20546411W |
Poder ejecutivo y funcion jurisdiccional
Leon Cortinas Pelaez |
Análisis del elemento regla - Análisis del elemento poder - La tradición de la República Oriental - Las constituciones orientales de los siglos XIX y XX - El debate constituyente de la constitución d… |
OL26180227W |
Jared Diamond,Ricardo García Pérez |
"In his Pulitzer Prize-winning bestseller Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond examined how and why Western civilizations developed the technologies and immunities that allowed them to dominate much… |
OL276557W |
The Watson Dynasty
Richard S. Tedlow |
For an extraordinary fifty-seven-year period, the chief executives of the International Business Machines Corporation were Thomas J. Watson and Thomas J. Watson, father and son. IBM bears the imprint… |
OL2967933W |
The age of heretics
Art Kleiner |
In this second edition of his bestselling book, author Art Kleiner explores the nature of effective leadership in times of change and defines its importance to the corporation of the future. He descr… |
OL2980209W |