
20+ results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Money talks Money talks Martin H Redish "Many have argued that soft money and special interests are destroying the American electoral system. Yet the clarion call for campaign reform only touches on the more general belief that money and e… OL12013120W
Iberia and Latin America Iberia and Latin America Howard J. Wiarda "Good concise introduction to complex connection of Spain and Portugal's histories, cultures, and policies with Latin America over past two decades; raises important questions regarding democratizati… OL15074345W
Downsizing Democracy Downsizing Democracy Benjamin Ginsberg "In Downsizing Democracy, Matthew A. Crenson and Benjamin Ginsberg describe how the powerful idea of a collective citizenry has given way to a concept of personal, autonomous democracy, in which poli… OL15315927W
The future of freedom The future of freedom Fareed Zakaria Examines the influence of democracy on politics, business and economics, law, culture, and religion in different regions of the world; explores the dark side of the democratic process; and reflects o… OL15842935W
How democratic is the American Constitution? How democratic is the American Constitution? Robert Alan Dahl "In this book, one of our most eminent political scientists poses the question, "Why should we uphold our Constitution?" The vast majority of Americans venerate the American Constitution and the prin… OL16027350W
Punishment, participatory democracy, and the jury Punishment, participatory democracy, and the jury Albert W. Dzur Focusing contemporary democratic theory on the neglected topic of punishment, Punishment, Participatory Democracy, and the Jury argues for increased civic engagement in criminal justice as an antidot… OL16499399W
Terror and democracy in West Germany Terror and democracy in West Germany Karrin Hanshew "In 1970, the Red Army Faction declared war on West Germany. The militants failed to bring down the state, but this book argues that the decade-long debate they inspired helped shape a new era. After… OL16557875W
Challenges to democracy in India Challenges to democracy in India Rajesh M. Basrur Lectures delivered between November 2005- February 2007. OL18769543W
What is democracy? What is democracy? Richard M. Ketchum Text and photographs explain the meaning of democracy and show it at work in the United States and throughout the world. OL2010151W
What Democracy Looks Like What Democracy Looks Like Christina R. Foust 1 online resource OL20210443W
Against Democracy Against Democracy Jason Brennan "Most people believe democracy is a uniquely just form of government. They believe people have the right to an equal share of political power. And they believe that political participation is good fo… OL20228215W
On the rampage On the rampage Russell Mokhiber,Robert Weissman From Worldcom to Coke, from Enron to the White House, these columns offer trenchant revelations of corporate dirty deeds. Featuring the 10 worst corporations and 10 reasons to dismantle the World tra… OL20545073W
Democracy at work Democracy at work Richard D. Wolff Wolff shows why and how to make democratic workplaces real. He speaks to those who realize that capitalism economics and politics as usual have become intolerable and who seek a concrete action progr… OL20547712W
A laboratory for public scholarship and democracy A laboratory for public scholarship and democracy Rosa A. Eberly,Jeremy Cohen "This volume addresses the academy's increased interest in contributing to the public good in more than just a superficial way ... The authors of this volume examine an alternative way of thinking th… OL20911341W
Agonistics Agonistics Chantal Mouffe Political conflict in our society is inevitable, and the results are often far from negative. How then should we deal with the intractable differences arising from complex modern culture? Developing … OL20955879W
Next generation democracy Next generation democracy Jared Duval Duval describes a new approach to solving complex problems that draws on the resources, voices, and flexibility of vast networks of citizens-- all with unprecedented speed. OL21196090W
L'idee de l'Inde L'idee de l'Inde Sunil Khilnani Un portrait politique de l'Inde depuis 1947. L'Union indienne, fruit du postcolonialisme, est une democratie issue des Lumieres anglaises, mais complexe et paradoxale dans une region regie par le sys… OL24282137W
Of the people, by the people Of the people, by the people Roger Osborne Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time'. Churchill had more reason than most to rue the power of democracy, having been thr… OL24289623W
Schwankender Westen Schwankender Westen Udo Di Fabio Udo Di Fabios Buch analysiert die Fundamente der westlichen Gesellschaft, zeigt deren Gefährdungen auf und plädiert für ein neues Gesellschaftsmodell. Untersucht werden die Auswirkungen, die instabil… OL27036918W
De la démocratie en Amérique De la démocratie en Amérique Gustave de Beaumont,Alexis de Tocqueville A contemporary study of the early American nation and its evolving democracy, from a French aristocrat and sociologist. In 1831 Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French aristocrat and ambitious civil… OL278001W
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