Nuclear physics at intermediate energies
SERC Summer School on Nuclear Physics (3rd 1998 Calcutta, India) |
Held during November 1998 at Calcutta, India; organised by the Science and Engineering Research Council of Dept. of Science and Technology. |
OL1072590W |
NS-"Euthanasie" und lokaler Krankenmord in Oldenburg, Klingenmünster und Sachsen
Arbeitskreis zur Erforschung der nationalsozialistischen "Euthanasie" und Zwangssterilisation |
Band 6 der "Berichte des Arbeitskreises" dokumentiert die Herbsttagung 2009 in Wehnen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren thematisieren die NS-"Euthanasie" in Oldenburg und Bremen, in Sachsen und der Pfalz. … |
OL11076473W |
Towards gender equality
National Seminar on "Moving Towards Gender Equality--India's Experience (2007? Dept. of Economics, Kakatiya University) |
Transcript of papers presented during the National Seminar on "Moving towards Gender Equality--India's Experience, held in the Dept. of Economics, Kakatiya University. |
OL11730126W |
Operator algebras, operator theory and applications
International Summer School and Workshop on Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications (2006 Lisbon, Portugal) |
This book is composed of three survey lecture courses and nineteen invited research papers presented to WOAT 2006 - the International Summer School and Workshop on Operator Algebras, Operator Theory … |
OL12005734W |
Complexity and ecosystem management
International Society for Ecological Economics. Meeting |
"This book provides a state-of-the-art review of the theory and application of multi-agent systems for ecosystem management. It will prove indispensable for ecological economists, natural resource an… |
OL12036666W |
Second Regional Seminar on Tuberculosis, Bogotá, Colombia, 6-10 November 1972
Regional Seminar on Tuberculosis, 2d, Bogotá, Colombia 1972 |
In no way is the problem in the Americas for the current decade and those to come a technological one. Nor do we believe that it is financial. Basically, what has been lacking is the firm resolve and… |
OL12743958W |
Vincent de Beauvais. Intentions et réceptions d'une oeuvre encyclopédique au moyen-âge
Monique Paulmier-Foucart,Alain Nadeau,Serge Lusignan |
Le dominicain français Vincent de Beauvais a rédigé au XIIIe siècle la plus grande encylopédie de son époque. Cet ouvrage présente l'état des connaissances et de la recherche sur son oeuvre et sa For… |
OL12842361W |
Visual information processing
Symposium on Cognition, 8th, Carnegie-Mellon University 1972 |
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Carnegie Symposium on Cognition, Held at the Carnegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19, 1972 |
OL13571918W |
Portugal, 30 anos de Democracia, 1974-2004
Colóquio Portugal: 30 anos de Democracia, 1974-2004 (2004 Porto, Portugal) |
In this book are collected the papers presented at the "Colloquium Portugal: 30 years of Democracy, 1974-2004" organized by the Institute of Contemporary History, Faculty of Letters, University of Po… |
OL13647560W |
Building an ecosystem approach to aquaculture
FAO/Universitat de les Illes Balears Expert Workshop (2007 Palma de Mallorca, Spain) |
520 Aquaculture growth worldwide involves the expansion of cultivated areas, a higher density of aquaculture installations and farmed individuals, and greater use of feed resources produced outside … |
OL13763895W |
Light elements in the universe
International Astronomical Union. Symposium |
IAU Symposium 268 presents an overview of the most recent observational and theoretical research on the formation and evolution of light elements in the Universe: H, He, Li, Be, B, and their isotopes… |
OL15421173W |
The monastic magnet
Graham Speake,René Gothóni |
Mount Athos has been exercising its magnetic attraction on monks and pilgrims for over a thousand years. Many of the papers collected here are concerned with aspects of pilgrimage to Athos and the ef… |
OL15502294W |
Entropy of hidden Markov processes and connections to dynamical systems
Brian Marcus,Tsachy Weissman,Karl Endel Petersen |
"Hidden Markov processes (HMPs) are important objects of study in many areas of pure and applied mathematics, including information theory, probability theory, dynamical systems and statistical physi… |
OL15920738W |
The Polish renaissance in its European context
Samuel Fiszman |
xxviii, 478 p., 1 leaf of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. |
OL16046053W |
Heritagescapes and cultural landscapes
International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (16th 2009 Kunming, China) |
Proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Studies, held at Kunming during 27-31 July 2009. |
OL16153494W |
Sustainable management of natural resources
Manju Sharma,T. N. Khoshoo |
Papers presented to a symposium held at the Pondicherry University, Sept. 14-16, 1990. |
OL16468616W |
In the light of evolution
John C. Avise,Francisco José Ayala |
"This is the second volume from the In the Light of Evolution series, based on a series of Arthur M. Sackler colloquia, and designed to promote the evolutionary sciences. Each installment explores ev… |
OL16595584W |
The selection and use of essential medicines
WHO Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines |
This report presents the recommendations of the WHO Expert Committee responsible for updating the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. The first part contains a review of the report of the meeting … |
OL16639498W |
Information sharing and collaboration
Steve Olson,Deepali Patel |
"After the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and subsequent anthrax mailings, the U.S. government prioritized a biosurveillance strategy aimed at detecting, monitoring, and characterizing nationa… |
OL16666662W |
Atmospheric Ammonia
Mark A. Sutton |
Atmospheric ammonia is increasingly being recognized as a pollutant of key environmental concern. Ammonia contributes to several environmental problems, including direct toxic effects on vegetation, … |
OL16957148W |