Hindī kaviyoṃ kī Mārksavadi vicāradhārā kā tulanātmaka vivecana
Satyaprakāśa Vyāsa |
Marxist philosophy in the works of 20th century Hindi poets; a study. |
OL11824251W |
Utangulizi wa lugha na isimu
Ruth Mfumbwa Besha |
On the introduction of a language and its linguistic structure. |
OL15509131W |
Ebū Ḥayyān, Kitābu'l-Idrāk li lisāni'l-Etrāk
A. Melek Özyetgin |
Abū Ḥayyān Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf, 1256-1344. Idrāk li-lisān al-Atrāk; Turkic languages; grammar; early works. |
OL1787009W |
Ve lo que dices
Nancy Tabor |
Demonstrates the different ways people look at the same situations by presenting contrasting idiomatic expressions in both English and Spanish. Example: Someone important is a "big wheel" in English … |
OL19046380W |
Języki słowiańskie
Hanna Dalewska-Greń |
665 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. |
OL2134514W |
Wörter im Grenzbereich von Lexikon und Grammatik im Serbokroatischen
Snježana Kordić |
The first chapter of the book deals with the semantic, grammatical and pragmatic characteristics of the personal pronouns. It also deals with the peculiarities of the third person personal pronoun an… |
OL2863539W |
How the Hebrew language grew
Edward Horowitz |
One of the earliest explorations of the Developme NT of Hebrew, including an overview of its gramma tical systems. |
OL3945585W |
Kosakata dasar Swadesh di Kotamadya Pontianak dan Kabupaten Pontianak
Hidayatul Astar |
Vocabulary of Swadesh language spoken in Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat Province. |
OL5766814W |
America--Land of the Rising Sun
Don Smithana |
Absolutely amazing discovery of what American natives were saying. An Asian vocabulary becomes a Rosetta Stone to decode those colorful early descriptions of native America. Massachusetts was not a p… |
OL8798658W |