Resumes for Communications Careers
Editors of VGM Career Books |
Communications is a wide-ranging field covering everything from public relations to broadcast journalism to technical writing. Despite the diversity of options, competition for these highly coveted p… |
OL15171559W |
Teletechnologies, place and community
Rowan Wilken |
"Teletechnologies, or technologies of distance, cannot be ignored. Indeed, the present electronic age is said to have wrought profound changes to how we think about and experience who we are, where w… |
OL15920581W |
Berufsziel Journalismus
Wolfgang Hess,Sabine Gaschütz,Thomas Barth,Claudia Mast |
Journalismus - ein Traumberuf? Jedenfalls bewerben sich immer mehr junge Menschen um einen Praktikanten- bzw. Volontariatsplatz oder gar eine Anstellung als Redakteur(in). Die Orientierung in diesem … |
OL19830605W |
Culture and explosion
Юрий Михайлович Лотман |
Culture and Explosion is the English translation of the final book written by legendary semiotician Juri Lotman. The volume demonstrates, with copious examples, how culture influences the way that hu… |
OL19839009W |
English for Academic Research: Writing Exercises
Adrian Wallwork |
<p>This book is based on a study of referees' reports and letters from journal editors on reasons why papers written by non-native researchers are rejected due to problems with English (long sentence… |
OL19847592W |
Öffentliche Kommunikation
Günter Bentele,Hans-Bernd Brosius,Otfried Jarren |
Als Leitband für die Lehrbuchreihe "Studienbücher zur Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft" konzipiert, gibt das Handbuch in kompakten Kapiteln einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Forschungsfelder… |
OL19849825W |
Handbook of research on teaching literacy through the communicative and visual arts
Dr. James Flood,Diane Lapp,Shirley Brice Heath |
In an era characterized by the rapid evolution of the concept of literacy, this handbook focuses on multiple ways in which learners gain access to knowledge and skills. It explores the possibilities … |
OL19854532W |
Daren C. Brabham |
Ever since the term "crowdsourcing" was coined in 2006 by Wired writer Jeff Howe, group activities ranging from the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary to the choosing of new colors for M & Ms … |
OL21178717W |
Thorsten Quandt |
"In the past decade, digital games have become a widely accepted form of media entertainment, moving from the traditional 'core gamer' community into the mainstream media market. With millions of peo… |
OL23295602W |
The language of negotiation
Joan Mulholland |
The Language of Negotiation aims to heighten awareness of language and to suggest practical ways you can use language-related tactics to get results. Specific strategies are indexed for ease of refer… |
OL3922353W |
From writing to computers
Julian Warner |
We do not need to look far for signs of divided consciousness with regard to books and computers. For instance, the United Kingdom Data Protection Act 1984 gave British subjects some rights of access… |
OL3942155W |
The psychology of graphic images
Manfredo Massironi,Translated by N Bruno |
"This book explores the nature of one of the most ancient tools for nonverbal communication: drawings. Drawings require minimal apparatus: a planar surface and a pointed hard object to make marks on … |
OL5561652W |
Presidents and the people
Mel Laracey |
"When the American president cannot get his way with Congress on something of great importance to him, he often appeals "over the heads" of Congress, directly to the American people. This kind of app… |
OL6208873W |
Discourses in Place
Ron Scollon |
The way we interpret language depends on where the words we are reading are placed in the world. Discourses in Place explores how the physical and material characteristics of language in the world g… |
OL8098866W |