The evolutionary biology of human body fatness
Jonathan C. K. Wells |
"This comprehensive synthesis of current medical and evolutionary literature addresses key questions about the role body fat plays in human biology. It explores how body energy stores are regulated, … |
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Before the dawn
Nicholas Wade |
Nicholas Wade's articles are a major reason why the science section has become the most popular, nationwide, in the New York Times. In his groundbreaking Before the Dawn, Wade reveals humanity's orig… |
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The creationists
Ronald L. Numbers |
In light of the embattled status of evolutionary theory, particularly as "intelligent design" makes headway against Darwinism in the schools and in the courts, this now classic account of the roots o… |
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The Greatest Show on Earth
Richard Dawkins |
Britain's greatest science writer comprehensively rebuts the creationists by pulling together the incontrovertible evidence for evolution. Charles Darwin's masterpiece, _On the Origin of Species_, sh… |
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Omnivore's Dilemma. A Natural History of Four Meals
Michael Pollan,Richie Chevat,Raul Nagore |
What should we have for dinner? The question has confronted us since man discovered fire, but according to Michael Pollan, the bestselling author of The Botany of Desire, how we answer it today, at t… |
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