How computer games help children learn
David Williamson Shaffer |
Evaluates a controversial theory about the educational potential of computer games, revealing how specific games can teach children how to develop creative thinking processes akin to those of today's… |
OL15857546W |
Awakening genius in the classroom
Thomas Armstrong |
Urging readers to look beyond traditional understandings of what constitutes genius, Armstrong describes 12 such qualities: curiosity, playfulness, imagination, creativity, wonder, wisdom, inventiven… |
OL1883188W |
Brain-compatible science
Margaret Angermeyer Mangan |
Applying new brain knowledge to the classroom. |
OL2012917W |
Temperament in the classroom
Barbara K. Keogh |
Keogh explores the effects of individual temperament on children's learning and achievement from preschool through middle school. Based on recent research and filled with classroom examples, the book… |
OL20545413W |
Lynn Schroeder,Nancy Ostrander,Shelia Ostrander,S Ostrander,Sheila Ostrander |
Really can improve business and sports performance! |
OL2174738W |
Donner l'envie d'apprendre
Alain Sotto |
Guide pour les parents qui souhaitent accompagner leur enfant dans sa scolarité et explorer les compétences et le savoir-faire indispensables à son épanouissement à l'école. |
OL24712990W |
A well-tempered mind
Peter Perret,Janet Fox |
Peter Perret, conductor of the Winston-Salem Symphony, chronicles in A Well-Tempered Mind how a brief NPR feature about music and the brain inspired him to create an innovative music education progra… |
OL26183392W |
Éduquer et former
Jean-Claude Ruano-Borbalan |
Les courants et les méthodes pédagogiques, les mécanismes de l'apprentissage, les savoirs et compétences, l'usage des nouvelles technologies, les analyses sociologiqes de l'expérience scolaire, les s… |
OL27060352W |
Cessons de démotiver les élèves
D. Favre |
Cet ouvrage a pour but de permettre aux élèves de se remotiver pour l'apprentissage. Pour ce faire, il en propose la théorie, appuyée sur des notions neurobiologiques, et en illustre la mise en appli… |
OL28765321W |
On knowing
Jerome S. Bruner |
The left hand has traditionally represented the powers of intuition, feeling, and spontaneity. In this classic book, Jerome Bruner inquires into the part these qualities play in determining how we kn… |
OL2976743W |
Winfred F. Hill |
viii, 216 p. ; 24 cm |
OL3260140W |
Memory and learning
Nancy Wartik |
An examination of the memory and learning processes, the functioning of the brain, and memory and learning disorders. |
OL4283194W |
The Mentor's Guide
Lois J. Zachary |
Thoughtful and rich with advice, The Mentor's Guide explores the critical process of mentoring and presents practical tools for facilitating the experience from beginning to end. Now managers, teache… |
OL8574458W |