Asimov's Extraterrestrials
Jesse F. Bone,Murray Leinster,Eric Frank Russell,Martin H. Greenberg,Frank Belknap Long,Piers Anthony,Charles G. Waugh,Isaac Asimov,Zenna Henderson,R. A. Lafferty,James E. Gunn,Lloyd Biggle Jr,Edward D. Hoch,Keith Laumer |
Doorstep - short story by Keith Laumer
Who's on First? - novelette by Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
In the Jaws of Danger - short story by Piers Anthony
The Witness - novelette by Eric Frank Russell
The Miss… |
OL14958932W |
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 23 (1961)
Jesse F. Bone,Randall Garrett,Martin H. Greenberg,Anne McCaffrey,T. R. Fehrenbach,Frederik Pohl,Poul Anderson,Jack Vance,Arthur C. Clarke,Algis Budrys,Isaac Asimov,Cordwainer Smith,Cyril M. Kornbluth,R. A. Lafferty,Brian W. Aldiss |
A short story collection, edited by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg:
The highest treason / Randall Garrett
Hothouse / Brian W. Aldiss
Hiding place / Poul Anderson
What is this thing called… |
OL19374411W |
Histórias de Robôs - Volume 3
Jesse F. Bone,Murray Leinster,Robert Silverberg,Michael Shaara,Poul Anderson,Gordon R. Dickson,Arthur C. Clarke,John Brunner,Harry Harrison,Philip K. Dick,Isaac Asimov,Walter M. Miller Jr. |
Introdução: Os robôs, os computadores e o medo - essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of Introduction: Robots, Computers, and Fear 1984)
Uma lógica chamada Joe? - short story by Murray Leinster (trans. of … |
OL20104471W |
Great Science Fiction Stories by the World's Greatest Scientists
Jesse F. Bone,Mario Pei,Chad Oliver,Martin H. Greenberg,Fred Hoyle,Larry Eisenberg,Paul J. Nahin,Charles Sheffield,Arthur C. Clarke,Various,James Tiptree, Jr.,Vernor Vinge,Charles Waugh,James McConnell,Suzette Haden Elgin,Gregory Benford,Isaac Asimov,David Brin,Philip Latham,G. Harry Stine,Robert L. Forward,Kurd Laßwitz,Morton Klass,J. R. Pierce |
White Creatures - short story by Gregory Benford
The Singing Diamond - short story by Robert L. Forward
Publish and Perish - short story by Paul J. Nahin
Skystalk - novelette by Charles Sheffield
… |
OL264006W |