Histórias de Robôs - Volume 3
By Jesse F. Bone, Murray Leinster, Robert Silverberg, Michael Shaara, Poul Anderson, Gordon R. Dickson, Arthur C. Clarke, John Brunner, Harry Harrison, Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Walter M. Miller Jr.
Description: Introdução: Os robôs, os computadores e o medo - essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of Introduction: Robots, Computers, and Fear 1984) Uma lógica chamada Joe? - short story by Murray Leinster (trans. of A Logic Named Joe 1946) Sam Hall - novelette by Poul Anderson (trans. of Sam Hall 1953) Fui Eu que Fiz Você - short story by Walter M. Miller, Jr. (trans. of I Made You 1954) Gatilho Humano - short story by J. F. Bone (trans. of Triggerman 1958) Guerra com Robôs - short story by Harry Harrison (trans. of War with the Robots 1962) Prova - novelette by Isaac Asimov (trans. of Evidence 1946) 2066: Dia de eleição? - short story by Michael Shaara (trans. of 2066: Election Day 1956) Se Benny Cemoli não existisse? - novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of If There Were No Benny Cemoli 1963) A chave-Inglesa - short story by Gordon R. Dickson (trans. of The Monkey Wrench 1951) Disque F para Frankenstein - short story by Arthur C. Clarke (trans. of Dial "F" for Frankenstein 1965) Circuito de Macauley - short story by Robert Silverberg (trans. of The Macauley Circuit 1956) Judas - short story by John Brunner (trans. of Judas 1967)
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