Home Cooking to Cure Cancer
By Jollie Harris
Subjects: Uncontrollable Stomachs, add, Blood Pressure, Colds, new borns, sugar diabetes, Pancreas, health, Flu, Allergies, lupas, aids, medicine, hospitols, breast cancer, Hormonal & Menopause Problems, fertility, restores Blood Cells, prostate cancer, stroke, Glaucoma, Spiritual healing, SIDS, Acid Reflux, Asthma, hot flashes, the Bladder, Kidneys, Colon, womens health, God, Aneurysms, erectile disfunction, tumors, Arthritis, premo babies, Mary, Female Menstrual, weight, heart attacks, Jesus, the Colon, cancer, Lupus, menstural cramps, ED, cooking, doctors, adhd, Alzheimer
Description: **100% SUCCESSFUL FOOD PROGRAM.. FABULOUS, AMAZING COMBINATION REQUIRED FOR ANYONE WHO IS READY TO PREVENT, REDUCE, DESTROY, ELIMINATE, CURE THEMSELF. THIS BOOK TEACHES HOW. ^ 100% SUCCESS http://www.aCURE4Cancer.com 100% donations help those in need with supplies to be cured. Help is awesome for anyone, any age, any condition. They help everyone. PREVENT, REDUCE, DESTROY, ELIMINATE, CURE EAT TO HEAL THE BODY! --This International How to Cook Book is the answer to reduce and destroy all types of cancer and most diseases worldwide with outstanding 100% POSITIVE results. A 100% successful food program not a diet. God's miracle foods will reverse: Cancer, Aids, Sugar Diabetes, SIDS, Colon, Uncontrollable Stomachs, Heart Attacks, Asthma, Arthritis, Glaucoma, Aneurysms, Alzheimer, Weight, Colds, Flu, Kidneys, Allergies, Female Menstrual, Hormonal & Menopause Problems, the Bladder, Blood Pressure, Pancreas, Lupus, ADD, Acid Reflux, the Colon, restores Blood Cells and much, much, more. 2 ways to live life. Man's way or God's way Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in Rev3:20 WHO or WHAT can stand up against the Creator’s 100% success true healing for life. A baby is burnt by the devil from the inside out at only 5 months old. With no throat, no way to be touched and loved and no way to eat. The passion for health and eating developed. Hear details about the Walk through the fire and brimstone that was endured and you will feel the miracle of life like No other Person, Doctor, FDA or Lab Rat Scientist ever could. This is how he got the name “Miracle Boy” and his passion and calling is to show others how to eat and survive too At http://www.FeedGodsSheep.com see how 35,000 correct foods will restore, rebuild and rejuvenate our body. Don't perish because of the lack of knowledge. Free info/web go see the website, don't check out to life, check in to living again at http://TheFoodProphet.com''' --Jollie Harris III, Prophet of Food & Health educator and YOU are the Food and health administrator for yourself(I am). This is God's How to Heal the Body Food Program. FREE Seminars for churches, senior citizen homes, health clubs, large/small companies, and insurance corporations. The price of this book is much less than doctors visits. You, your family, friends, associates & employees will save the high cost of surgery, doctors, medication and long visits to the hospital. e-mail [email protected] for Donations that help children, elderly, veterans, homeless and anyone who needs help. ==References== <ref>references are too numerous and large files view real people testimonials all at http://www.homecookingtocurecancer.com/news.html or individually on youtube.com </ref> <ref> verifiable audio referal from Chris updated by his mother Monica Christopher's first miracle came October 12th 2009 when a dear friend told us about Prophet Jollie's food program. Chris had been weak and was getting lethargic with a blue ring coming up on his eyes. Chris has MPS and his father had not brought his supplements and I was praying for an alternative to the very expensive supplements that I relied on his father to supply. Mrs Brown told me that the food helped boost her son's immune system so I immediately went and found these foods she talked about for Christopher; praying for a miracle. Christopher was expecting a lower spine surgery soon and could not get sick. And I feared even worse because of his eyes. Christopher started the food program on Monday afternoon. Also Monday afternoon Mrs. Brown handed me a very well read book that she wanted back called "Home Cooking To Cure Cancer" by Jollie Harris III. She said it was where she found a safe and natural way to spiritually heal the body. I sat down and read the book that evening completely. I couldn't put it down. God had answered my prayers for Christopher. The next day I asked Mrs. Brown where could I get a copy of the book for myself. She didn't know. She said the book was a gift from her daughter; but she would ask. To her surprise she found out that Jollie Harris III would be at Word of Life Bookstore in Los Angeles selling his book that Saturday. She said he would also have food and items from the book there to sample and sell. So I planned to go. What happened next for Christopher was a miracle, by the third day of drinking Jollie's tea and eating correctly his eyes brightened and his color came back and he was more alert. Which was wonderful and a God Send. But what was even greater was that Chris had recently had a sleep study for his sleep apnea and he has a c-pap machine. On Wednesday his Pulmonologist called and said that Chris’ brain was now telling him to stop breathing and they wanted to change him from a C-pap to a Bi-pap and increase the setting from 7 to 15. The doctor knew that I already had a problem with the C-pap machine. I felt Christopher's breathing was always worse when he got off of it in the morning and it took too long for his lungs to recover and for him to breathe on his own. And I wasn't using it nightly for that reason. So she decided to test Christopher's blood for his gases and O2 levels before making a decision. Remember Christopher had only been on the program three days. The test was taken Thursday at 6:30am, before a breathing treatment was given. Christopher's doctor was so excited when she called friday because his O2 and Co2 levels were perfect and Christopher did not have to switch to a Bi-Pap machine. THANK GOD! I took Chris to see Jollie Harris III on Saturday the 17th and the Miracles keep rolling in like Chris starting to walk again after being in his wheel chair for over a year. We really Thank God for Jollie Harris III and I tell him I wish we would have met him sooner because Christopher is 15 now and his quality of life could have been even better. THANK YOU Jollie Monica and Christopher ..It's been three months since Chris started eating this food program and we I have miraculous news. In August 2009 I was told that Christopher needed a lower spinal decompression surgery. By October 2009 the surgeon let me know that Christopher had brittle bones and he would have to wait for special equipment before he could perform the surgery. Then we met Jollie in October 2009, just before the surgeon told me about Christopher's bones. And I am so BLESSED to say that God has BLESSED Christopher with notable stronger bones and cleaner organs. God is just restoring Christopher's body from the inside out. Christopher's surgeon is so happy for him. And he was so excited about the difference that he put notes in Christopher's medical records that Chris was on a natural healing program and that it had improved his bones, his nervous system and he noticed it had improved his mental state. listen to chris himself http://www.youtube.com/v/xsReydBUCDU&hl=en_US&feature <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xsReydBUCDU&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xsReydBUCDU&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object> </ref> <references/>**
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