Works (Farmer Giles of Ham / Hobbit / Leaf by Niggle / Smith of Wootton Major)
J.R.R. Tolkien |
Farmer Giles of Ham
Leaf by Niggle
Smith of Wootton Major |
OL17653532W |
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix [4/5]
J. K. Rowling |
Part of [Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL82548W/Harry_Potter_and_the_Order_of_the_Phoenix). |
OL17915213W |
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking
T. Kingfisher |
Fourteen year old Mona is a baker but she is also a not-very-powerful wizard - her medium of choice is dough. She can make pastries dance and bread light and fluffy - nothing extreme or dangerous. Bu… |
OL20924196W |
Margaret Weis |
Ésta es la historia de cómo Raistlin Majere llegó a ser el poderoso mago llamado a jugar un papel decisivo en la Guerra de la Lanza. Raistlin es el elegido por la Torre de la Hechicería para hacer fr… |
OL23463464W |
Margaret Weis |
Ésta es la historia de cómo Raistlin Majere llegó a ser el poderoso mago llamado a jugar un papel decisivo en la Guerra de la Lanza. Raistlin es el elegido por la Torre de la Hechicería para hacer fr… |
OL23463467W |
A Tale of Hell and Other Works of Horror (The Gillett Edition)
Phil Slattery |
In this collection of published and previously unpublished stories of horror, Phil Slattery offers a look into the minds of people who perpetrate horrors, from acts of stupidity with unintended resul… |
OL23613075W |
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien |
The Hobbit is a tale of high adventure, undertaken by a company of dwarves in search of dragon-guarded gold. A reluctant partner in this perilous quest is Bilbo Baggins, a comfort-loving unambitious … |
OL262758W |
Exploring Harry Potter
Elizabeth D. Schafer |
Provides insights into J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, including ideas, questions, background and creative process. |
OL7797148W |
The River of Dancing Gods
Jack L. Chalker |
I read this book when I was just a whipper snapper and I loved it! It's one of those old fantasy tales where the hero and heroine pass thru a portal on a dark stretch of Texas highway from the mundan… |
OL84431W |