How to Make Your Own Will
Mark Warda |
This book, complete with detailed instructions and the necessary forms, will allow you to make your will economically and without complications. |
OL106404W |
The probate records of Essex County, Massachusetts
Massachusetts. Probate Court (Essex County) |
Volume III, 1675-81 . The book lists decedents' names, followed by a transcription of the probate records. |
OL10720444W |
Barbados records
Joanne Mcree Sanders |
The title **Barbados records. Wills and Administrations** was published in three volumes. Volume 1 1639-1680; Volume 2 1681-1700; Volume 3 1701-1725. |
OL124281W |
The Old Man Dies / La Mort d'Auguste
Georges Simenon |
Simenon paints an arresting picture of a disappearing Parisian life. The setting is a restaurant at Les Halles, Paris' central market, a juncture of urban and rural life. The restaurant's founder, … |
OL1242833W |
Make Your Own Simple Will
Mark Warda |
Simplify the Will-Making ProcessWriting a will is one of the best steps you can take to secure your family’s future. Make Your Own Simple Will is an easy-to-use tool to help you complete your will a… |
OL15184705W |
The ABA checklist for family heirs
Sally Balch Hurme |
One of the kindest things you can do for your family is to spare them needless frustrations and stressful decisions at the time of your death. Many people live together for 50 years without discussin… |
OL15668312W |
39 Clues Book 2
Gordon Korman |
A million dollars, or a clue? Police report a break-in at an elite hotel, and the suspects sound suspiciously like Amy and Dan. There's a car and speedboat chase and an angry mob! When there's a Clue… |
OL15732369W |
Rising tides
Emilie Richards |
In this sequel to "Iron Lace," Aurore Gerritsen has left clear instructions: her will is to be read at her summer cottage on a small Louisiana island. Those who don't stay will forfeit their inher… |
OL15938288W |
No one but you
Donna Reimel Robinson |
God's plans are worth waiting for ... at least that's what Cheyenne Wilkins has been telling herself, But since her grandmother died, time is running out. If only Grandmother didn't have those stipul… |
OL16490706W |
The complete guide to structuring your will, inheritance tax planning, probate and administering an…
Marlene Garsia |
Covers the various issues, including: why to write a will; where to start; tax and legal considerations; and the problems of dying intestate. This book also provides instructions for executors on val… |
OL16947064W |
The Wills of our Ancestors
Stuart A. Raymond |
A guide to wills and other probate records in the UK, aimed at family and local historians. |
OL17091535W |
Lock, stock, and over a barrel
Melody Carlson |
An ambitious smalltown girl, unlucky in love, is called back home from New York City upon inheriting her eccentric aunt's estate, but the will is fraught with off-the-wall clauses involving work, fam… |
OL17927337W |
Novels (Local Hero / Will and a Way)
Nora Roberts |
A will and a way: "Pandora McVie's life is tied up in knots. In order to respect her uncle Jolley's last wishes, she's stuck spending Christmas isolated in the Catskills with Michael Donahue, the cob… |
OL18186540W |
Ritchie, Alford & Effland's estates and trusts
Joel C. Dobris |
xlv, 1026 p. ; 27 cm. + |
OL1846491W |
Mountain pose
Nancy Hope Wilson |
When twelve-year-old Ellie inherits an old Vermont farm from her cruel and heartless grandmother Aurelia, she reads a set of diaries written by an ancestor and discovers secrets from the past. |
OL1883073W |
Casenote legal briefs
Terry Molloy,Norman S. Goldenberg,Peter Tenen |
138 p. ; 28 cm |
OL19395855W |
The Forever Letter: Writing What We Believe For Those We Love
Elana Zaiman |
xiii, 221 pages ; 23 cm |
OL19622172W |
Precious gifts
Danielle Steel |
Handsome, widowed, sophisticated, utterly charming, Paul Parker won the heart of a wealthy young Frenchwoman--the daughter of an American financier, the granddaughter of a major French art dealer--as… |
OL20010769W |
Quick & legal will book
Denis Clifford |
Your will, made easy Write a will that suits your needs with a minimum of fuss. This book provides all the forms and step-by-step instructions you need to create a simple, valid will that protects yo… |
OL20054810W |
Early Bermuda wills, 1629-1835
C. F. E. Hollis Hallett |
Summarized and indexed genealogical reference book. Hardcover, 692 pages. Juniperhill Press 1993. Out of print, limited availability. |
OL2058898W |