Kantjil and Tiger
Cathy Spagnoli |
Mouse-deer, a trickster character found in tales of Indonesia and Malaysia, deprives Tiger of a meal. |
OL1044777W |
A ring of tricksters
Virginia Hamilton |
Twelve trickster tales that show the migration of African culture to America via the West Indies. |
OL112101W |
Bouki's honey
Arthur Williams |
Lapin the rabbit tricks Bouki the donkey out of his honey. Includes a glossary and pronunciation guide to ten Creole words or expressions. |
OL15209387W |
Tricky Spider tales
Chris Schweizer |
The spider is a trickster - a mischievous character who doesn't follow the rules- in African, Caribbean, Native American, and other folklore traditions. In this story, Spider loves to play tricks and… |
OL15901298W |
Tricky Coyote tales
Chris Schweizer |
Coyote seeks food and fun in the canyons and hills of the southwest, and the reader helps him make choices as he encounters many other creatures, some friendly and some dangerous. |
OL16132613W |
Tricky Fox tales
Chris Schweizer |
In these stories based on Japanese kitsune folktales, the reader will make choices every few pages to decide how Fox can trick people who are behaving foolishly or unfairly; how to repay people who a… |
OL16261203W |
Embers & echoes
Karsten Knight |
In Miami, Florida, seeking her younger sister, sixteen-year-old Ashline Wilde, a Polynesian volcano goddess, joins forces with other reincarnated deities but trickster Colt's diabolical plans threate… |
OL16471208W |
Blaise Cendrars,Marcia Brown |
Free verse evocation of the eerie, shifting images of Shadow which represents the beliefs and ghosts of the past and is brought to life wherever there is light, fire, and a storyteller. |
OL1672318W |
Karsten Knight |
Ashline Wilde, her sister Eve, and new boyfriend Wes set out to stop Ash's trickster-god ex-boyfriend, Colt, once and for all when they learn he plans to kill the Cloak, the benevolent beings that ov… |
OL17850500W |
Shakespeare's secret schemers
Richard A. Levine |
"Shakespeare's Secret Schemers establishes the existence of a dramatic device in Shakespeare and indicates its presence in the non-Shakespearean drama of the period as well. The secret scheming of th… |
OL18149035W |
Pinchpenny John
Lee Lorenz |
A con man tries to trick a rich, aging carpenter so that he can take the carpenter's granddaughter to the Oxford fair. |
OL1824090W |
Trickster and the fainting birds
Howard A. Norman |
A collection of seven Cree and Chippewa trickster tales. |
OL18302684W |
Song for the ancient forest
Nancy Luenn |
Raven warns against the destruction of the ancient forests, but no one listens except for a small child. |
OL1894895W |
Nanabosho grants a wish
Joseph McLellan |
After Billy wishes for a lot of snow during a family birthday party, grandfather tells the story of the Ojibwa Indian trickster and teacher, Nanabosho, who, weary of granting wishes, decides to punis… |
OL19376267W |
The Gruffalo
Julia Donaldson |
The Gruffalo is a British children's picture book by writer and playwright Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler, that tells the story of a mouse, the protagonist of the book, taking a walk … |
OL1938178W |
The odditorium
David Bramwell |
This book is about the antics and adventures of tricksters, eccentrics, deviants and inventors. While their stories range from heroic failures to great hoaxes, one thing unites them, they all carved … |
OL19753496W |
Fox and the jumping contest
Corey R. Tabor |
"Fox really, really wants to win the jumping contest. He knows just where he&#x;ll put that first-place trophy. The only problem? Fox is not a very good jumper. But he is a very good schemer. . . .Th… |
OL20039314W |
The king's pudding
Mairi Mackinnon |
Little Deer has to use his wits to distract Tiger and avoid being eaten. Luckily Tiger is big and fierce but none too clever ... |
OL20849273W |
Anansi and the tug of war
Lesley Sims |
Anansi, the African trickster spider, tells Elephant and Rhino he can beat them both in a tug of war. To their astonishment, he does ... or does he? |
OL20948359W |
Coyote's song
Gail Anderson-Dargatz |
"Sara used to be a back-up singer in a band. She left her singing career to raise a family. She is content with being a stay-at-home mom. Then, one Saturday, Sara's world changes. Sara and her family… |
OL21240517W |