Tish Davidson |
Examines theocratic governments, exploring how they arose, how the leaders maintain authority, and what living under religious rule is like for regular people. |
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What is a theocracy?
Sarah B. Boyle |
Explains what a theocracy is, provides examples of theocracies around the world, and looks at how the form of government has evolved throughout history. |
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Debating-- and creating-- authority
Elizabeth Dale |
vi, 167 p. ; 22 cm |
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The Coming Kingdom
Andy Woods |
This book shows convincingly from Scripture that the establishment of God’s theocratic kingdom on earth is still future and it will be vastly superior to the conditions we see in our world today. |
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Naked escape
Maureen Parrella |
A Georgetown University professor, Ambrose Servent, becomes suspicious of a scientist, Dr. Berthold Kleintraub, who purports to be a proponent of world peace. After the two are nearly killed by a car… |
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The gospel of Matthias Kent
Mike Silvestri |
"One-hundred-fifty years from now, up-and-coming advertising executive Matthias Kent sells both sin and redemption to the masses under the watchful eye of the Synod, a theocracy that dominates life i… |
OL28964305W |