The future of ritual
Richard Schechner |
Richard Schechner explores the nature of ritualised behaviour and its relationship to performance and politics. A brilliant examination of cultural expression and communal action, The Future of Ritua… |
OL11522217W |
Purity and danger
Mary Douglas |
1 online resource (xxii, 247 pages) |
OL14865922W |
La quête du serpent à plumes
Nathalie Ragot,Sylvie Peperstraete,Guilhem Olivier |
Michel Graulich est l'un des plus grands spécialistes des religions de l'ancien Mexique. Directeur d'études à l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des Sciences Religieuses, de 1990 à 2005, il … |
OL16593039W |
Vocal and instrumental music in worship
I. J. Rosenberger |
A Church of the Brethren pamphlet arguing that musical instruments should not be used in Christian worship. |
OL16798908W |
Penser les pratiques sociales comme rituels
Christoph Wulf |
"Notre analyse est une étude de cas thématique dans laquelle on cherche à savoir comment, à l'aide de rituels, est générée une communauté dans quatre domaines de socialisation.... Notre étude se conc… |
OL19107836W |
The work of the dead
Thomas Walter Laqueur |
"The Greek philosopher Diogenes said that when he died his body should be tossed over the city walls for beasts to scavenge. Why should he or anyone else care what became of his corpse? In The Work o… |
OL20015857W |
Ritual Matters
Jennifer Knust,Claudia Moser |
154 pages : 29 cm |
OL20214342W |
Blood Vines
Erica Spindler,Orlagh Cassidy |
From internationally bestselling author Erica Spindler comes a gripping and brilliantly haunting thriller of murder, sacrifice and redemption. |
OL20794247W |
Rituals and sacraments in Indian religions
Clarence O. McMullen |
On Hinduism, Christianity, and Sikhism; papers presented at a seminar on the meaning and significance of rituals and sacraments, organized by the Christian Institute of Sikh Studies, 1978. |
OL20953763W |
Pluralism and identity
K. van der Toorn |
The subject of this book is ritual behaviour, in particular of groups with a distinctive religious, ethnic or other identity which use rituals to pursue strategic ends ad intra and ad extra. Five ess… |
OL20965004W |
Rites of passage
Jacqueline Dineen |
Customs: Birth - Initiation - Marriage - Death - African - Papua New Guinea - Masai - Aborigines - Japan - India - Jewish - American Indians - Chinese - Buddhist - Hindu - Freemasons - South America … |
OL22072461W |
Riting myth, mythic writing
Dennis Patrick Slattery |
Riting Myth, Mythic Writing: Plotting Your Personal Story is a both a theoretical as well as interactive book on the nature of personal myth. Its intention is to offer participants who wish to explor… |
OL22426133W |
Crónica de una muerte anunciada
Gabriel García Márquez |
Also contained in:
- [Collected Novellas](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL274508W) |
OL274574W |
The art of angelic ritual prayer
Debbie Michaels |
"With the use of this book you will learn how to tap into the divine energy of creation. Angelic ritual prayer taps into the divine vibration of creation with the help of the angelic realms and the u… |
OL28956600W |
Eucharist With a Small "E"
Miriam Therese Winter |
158 pages ; 21 cm |
OL2922551W |
The Dangers of Ritual
Philippe Buc |
"Medieval historians will find this book an indispensable resource for its insights into methodological issues crucial to their discipline. As Buc demonstrates, only rigorous attention to the context… |
OL3026181W |
The Rathen manual
Aberdeen Ecclesiological Society,Macgregor, Duncan,Catholic Church |
"Transcription of a late 15th-cent. liturgical ms. located at one time at time at Rathen, Scotland. " |
OL350212W |
Shakespeare's festive tragedy
Naomi Conn Liebler |
Shakespeare's Festive Tragedy is a unique look at the social and religious foundations of the tragic genre. Naomi Liebler asks whether it is possible to regard tragic heroes such as Coriolanus and Ki… |
OL3751047W |
The arrival of Godot
Katherine H. Burkman |
Discusses the plays of Albee, Beckett, Genet, Grass, Ionesco and Pinter. |
OL5115348W |