Lori Polydoros |
"Describes piranhas, their physical features, how they hunt and kill, and their role in the ecosystem"--Provided by publisher. |
OL11999789W |
Deborah Chancellor |
"Advice for kids on how to choose and care for several common breeds of piranhas, including tank setup, feeding, and keeping piranhas healthy"--Provided by publisher. |
OL15078349W |
Ten sly piranhas
William Wise |
A school of ten sly piranhas gradually dwindles as they waylay and eat each other. |
OL151782W |
Susan M. Grossman |
Describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and life cycle of piranhas, and explains that their scary reputation may be exaggerated. |
OL15839105W |
Planet Earth
Mark Brownlow,Alastair Fothergill,Jonny Keeling |
With a production budget of $25 million, the makers of Blue Planet: Seas of Life crafted this epic story of life on Earth. Five years in production, with over 2, 000 days in the field, using 40 camer… |
OL16535011W |
Piranha picnic
Rod Randall |
Thirteen-year-old Nick calls upon God when he investigates a possible infestation of his neighborhood river by deadly, flesh-eating piranha. |
OL17667827W |
Anton and Piranha
Milena Baisch |
OK, so going on holiday with your grandparents is not the coolest thing ever, but it's fine - Anton is planning to spend the summer in the pool. But then disaster strikes ... their holiday camp DOES … |
OL20975876W |