Windows in the Wall
Rebecca Heyl |
The 100 photographs of this photo diary document Rebecca Heyl’s frequent travels between the West Bank and Israel. Her images are acutely human and perceptive, providing a sense of the texture of dai… |
OL10303557W |
Global Governance and the Lesser Peace
Foad Katirai D.Phil (Oxon) |
xii, 148 p. ; 19 cm |
OL10334055W |
The Nobel Peace Prize and Dalai Lama
His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso the XIV Dalai Lama |
72 p. : 22 cm |
OL10373803W |
Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell |
"Bertrand Russell was one of the twentieth century's greatest philosophers. His astonishingly productive life spanned nearly a hundred years (1872-1970) and his contributions to global thought - in p… |
OL1088530W |
Break new ground
Sue Brown |
32p. : 21cm |
OL11538504W |
Black mass
John Gray |
Philosopher John Gray examines the history of utopianism, links it to apocalyptic religious beliefs, and argues that utopianism currently dominates mainstream politics, discussing its impact in Iraq … |
OL12344W |
Peace, Locomotion
Jacqueline Woodson |
Twelve-year-old Lonnie is fi nally feeling at home with his foster family. But because he's living apart from his little sister, Lili, he decides it's his job to be the "rememberer"—and write down ev… |
OL14952466W |
Toward a Nonkilling Paradigm
Olivier Urbain |
The open challenge to the widespread acceptance of lethality and lethal intent trespasses the limits of an ideology for social change entailing a new scientific model based on the refutation of killi… |
OL14982322W |
Christmas and the Second World War
Abhijit Dutta |
Celebration of Christmas in the inter-war years, 1939-1944. The celebration of a happy occasion in the most unhappy of times with reference to both adults and children of western Europe finds promine… |
OL15121238W |
The big book for peace
Marilyn Sachs,Ann Durell,Jean Fritz,Lloyd Alexander,John Bierhorst,Natalie Babbitt,Allen, Thomas B. |
The wisdom of peace and the absurdity of fighting are demonstrated in seventeen stories and poems by outstanding authors of today such as Jean Fritz, Milton Meltzer, and Nancy Willard, illustrated by… |
OL15134273W |
True peace and security-
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania |
Informative and it contains accurate knowledge about the creator Jehovah God. |
OL15154832W |
Joseph Rotblat
Reiner Braun |
Sir Joseph Rotblat (1908-2005), British physicist and one of the most prominent critics of the nuclear arms race, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995 in conjunction with the Pugwash Conferences on… |
OL15171778W |
The Price of Peace
Charles Reed |
Lively political and public debates on war and morality have been a feature of the post-Cold War world. The Price of Peace argues that a re-examination of the just war tradition is therefore required… |
OL15183977W |
A ruined land
Michael Golay |
In a fascinating approach that allows the voices of those touched by the Civil War to speak for themselves, gifted writer Michael Golay shows the impact of victory and defeat on the ordinary American… |
OL15216562W |
Den Frieden verantworten. Politische Ethik bei Francisco Suárez (1548-1617)
Markus Kremer |
Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) steht an der Schwelle zwischen mittelalterlicher Scholastik und moderner Rechtsphilosophie. Dies erlaubt es, in ihm einen Theologen zu sehen, der - Bewährtes bewahrend - … |
OL15267234W |
Shaping the culture of peace in a multilateral world
Patrick Uwe Petit |
xiii, 207 p. ; 23 cm |
OL15456988W |
The face at the window
Wolfgang Ecke |
A collection of detective stories in which the reader determines the culprit. Solutions to the mysteries are included. |
OL15677889W |
Rites of peace
Adam Zamoyski |
Traces the epic events following Napoleon's exile in 1814 and the subsequent Treaty of Paris, examining how the eight-month Viennese carnival brought thousands of aristocrats to the Austrian capital … |
OL15832915W |
Death as a way of life
David Grossman |
Presents a series of essays from the Israeli author exploring both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in an attempt of understand the breakdown of the peace process begun in Oslo by Yitzhak Ra… |
OL15835697W |
Ann T. Keene |
An essay describing the establishment of the Nobel Peace Prize precedes chronologically organized profiles of all the individuals and organizations that have received the award since 1901. |
OL15893325W |