Paradoxes and problems
John Donne |
Donne's earliest prose works, 'Paradoxes and Problems', were probably begun during his days as a student at Lincoln's Inn. These witty and insouciant paradoxes defend such topics as women's inconstan… |
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Many-Valued Logic between the Degrees of Truth and the Limits of Knowledge
Salah Osman |
هو أول كتاب باللغة العربية يعرض لمراحل وآليات تطور المنطق الرمزي المعاصر متعدد القيم بأنساقه المختلفة، مركزًا على مشكلة الغموض المعرفي للإنسان بأبعادها اللغوية والإبستمولوجية والأنطولوجية، والتي تتجل… |
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Paradoxes from A to Z
Michael Clark |
'This sentence is false'. Is it? If a hotel with an infinite number of rooms is fully occupied, can it still accommodate a new guest? How can we have emotional responses to fiction, when we know that… |
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