Nomina bahasa Banjar
Jumadi. |
Nouns in Banjar language spoken in Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara and Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan Province. |
OL1030645W |
The verb-finder
Kingsbury M. Badger |
Change the verb to the past tense |
OL176476W |
A grammar of Rapa Nui
Paulus Kievit |
This book is a comprehensive description of the grammar of Rapa Nui, the Polynesian language spoken on Easter Island. After an introductory chapter, the grammar deals with phonology, word classes, th… |
OL20930942W |
A mink, a fink, a skating rink
Brian P. Cleary |
Rhyming text and illustrations of comical cats present numerous examples of nouns, from "gown" and "crown" to "boat", "coat", and "clown." |
OL24286222W |
The noun hound
Liza Charlesworth |
"Nouns are everywhere! This nifty dog named Noun Hound will show you how to sniff them out in everything you read."--Page 4 of cover. |
OL24289175W |
Wörter im Grenzbereich von Lexikon und Grammatik im Serbokroatischen
Snježana Kordić |
The first chapter of the book deals with the semantic, grammatical and pragmatic characteristics of the personal pronouns. It also deals with the peculiarities of the third person personal pronoun an… |
OL2863539W |