Signing at school
S. Harold Collins,Dahna Solar |
Provides signs for asking questions, getting answers, courtesies and greetings, giving directions and other words around school, as well as the finger alphabet. |
OL15152075W |
The Ugly Duckling
Hans Christian Andersen |
An ugly and unloved duckling turns out to be a beautiful swan. |
OL15155002W |
Communication technology for students in special education and gifted programs
Joan E. Aitken,Joy Pedego Fairley,Judith K. Carlson |
"This book collects ideas about new communication technologies and innovative ways of using them to enhance education for students with exceptionalities, offering case studies based on the experience… |
OL15947137W |
Primary movement in sign languages
Donna Jo Napoli |
viii, 214 p. : 24 cm |
OL16013909W |
The joy of signing is great book that teaches you in the simplest way how to communicate with the h…
Lottie L. Riekehof |
is great book that teaches you in the simplest way how to communicate with the hearing impaired[link text][1]
[1]: http:// |
OL16062730W |
What is it like to be deaf?
Deborah Kent |
"Follows the everyday lives of several Deaf school children, describing what they do in school, how they communicate with both hearing and Deaf relatives and friends, what they do for fun, and what b… |
OL16651460W |
Pinky extension and eye gaze
Ceil Lucas |
ix, 285 p. ; 24 cm |
OL19126433W |
Time to sign
Lillian Hubler |
A book illustrated with American Sign Language signs for for common terms found in 16 songs for young children, with an accompanying CD of the songs. |
OL19171328W |
Reading between the signs
Anna Mindess,Thomas K. Holcomb,Daniel Langholtz,Priscilla Poynor Moyers |
"In Reading between the Signs, Anna Mindess provides a new perspective on a poorly understood culture, American Deaf culture. With the collaboration of three distinguished Deaf consultants, Mindess e… |
OL19697969W |
The language of light
Gerald Shea |
"Partially deaf due to a childhood illness, Gerald Shea is no stranger to the search for communicative grace and clarity. In this eloquent and thoroughly researched book, he uncovers the centuries-lo… |
OL19722855W |
Deaf children in communication
Gunilla Preisler |
266p. : |
OL29278481W |
Discovering sign language
Laura Greene |
Discusses the development of sign language and describes how it is used in conjunction with finger spelling, speechreading, and other forms of commuication to help individuals with impaired hearing. |
OL3487002W |
Sign language
Laura Greene |
Discusses the development of sign language and describes how it is used in conjunction with finger spelling, speechreading, and other forms of communication to help individuals with impaired hearing. |
OL3487008W |
Laura Greene |
Introduces American Sign Language and emphasized how its structure differs from English. Includes ASL sentences, sign games, poetry, and music. |
OL3487009W |
Hearing loss
Karin N. Mango |
Describes the conditions and varying degrees of hearing loss and deafness, and discusses methods by which the hearing-impaired can communicate with others. |
OL4280460W |
What is the sign for friend?
Judith E. Greenberg |
Text and photographs depict the life of Shane, a deaf child who goes to a regular school and enjoys normal activities with the help of sign language and a hearing aid. |
OL463485W |
A language in space
Irit Meir,Wendy Sandler |
This English version of A Language in Space: The Story of Israeli Sign Language, which received the Bahat Award for most outstanding book for a general audience in its Hebrew edition, is an introduct… |
OL8447839W |