Linux command line and shell scripting bible
Richard Blum |
There's a lot to be said for going back to basics. Not only does this Bible give you a quick refresher on the structure of open-source Linux software, it also shows you how to bypass the hefty graphi… |
OL11886304W |
Ubuntu Linux secrets
Richard Blum |
The everyday Linux user can easily get overwhelmed by the complexity of the new software that exists when creating an Ubuntu system. This book covers the basics of creating a new system from scratch … |
OL11886306W |
Professional Linux kernel architecture
Wolfgang Mauerer |
Find an introduction to the architecture, concepts and algorithms of the Linux kernel in Professional Linux Kernel Architecture, a guide to the kernel sources and large number of connections among su… |
OL11977952W |
Windows to Linux Migration Toolkit
David Allen |
This book will teach people how to migrate systems from Windows to Linux. It provides migration process planning, automated migration scripts, anti-virus / anti-spam solutions, and specific migration… |
OL14940830W |
Novell Cluster Services for Linux and NetWare
Sander van Vugt |
This is the eBook version of the printed book.Need to configure or manage Novell Cluster Services on NetWare, Linux or a mixed environment? Pick up a copy of the official reference guide, Novell Clus… |
OL14967318W |
Pro Linux System Administration
James Turnbull,Peter Lieverdink,Dennis Matotek |
Information technology plays a critical role in business success. Investment in technology can increase productivity. It can provide access to new markets, for example via the Internet. So understand… |
OL15011318W |
Linux Rapid Application Development
Cameron Hughes |
xxii, 616 p. : 23 cm. + |
OL15048880W |
Linux Hardware Handbook
Roderick W. Smith |
Linux Hardware Handbook shows you how to make purchasing and installation decisions concerning hardware for Linux computers. Don't wade through scattered documentation to determine what products work… |
OL15054802W |
Linux Phrasebook
Scott Granneman |
This is the eBook version of the printed book.Linux Phrasebook is sure to become the pocket guide that you keep within reach at all times. This concise, handy reference can be used "in the street," j… |
OL15171265W |
UNIX to Linux® Porting
Alfredo Mendoza,Chakarat Skawratananond,Artis Walker |
Port Your UNIX® Applications to Linux®–Quickly, Efficiently, and ReliablyIncreasingly, developers, architects, and project managers face the challenge of porting their C, C++, and Java applications f… |
OL15186752W |
Software libre para una sociedad libre
Richard Stallman |
*Software libre para una sociedad libre* es la primera edición castellana autorizada por Richard M. Stallman de su libro *Free Software, Free Society*. Un exhaustivo conjunto de ensayos y artículos q… |
OL15455926W |
Linux for Dummies
Richard Blum |
One of the fastest ways to learn Linux is with this perennial favorite. Eight previous top-selling editions of Linux For Dummies can't be wrong. If you've been wanting to migrate to Linux, this book … |
OL15492769W |
Beginning the Linux Command Line
Sander van Vugt |
This is Linux for those of us who don't mind typing. All Linux users and administrators tend to like the flexibility and speed of Linux administration from the command line in byte-sized chunks, inst… |
OL15692414W |
Beginning Ubuntu Linux
Emilio Raggi |
A guide to Ubuntu Linux covers such topics as installation, hardware components, the BASH shell, multimedia, office tasks, software instllation and removal, and data backup. |
OL15937108W |
Red Hat Linux 6
Harold Davis |
CD-ROM includes Red Hat Linux 6.0 Publisher's Edition (Linux kernel version 2.22-15), GNOME, KDE 1.1, Netscape Communicator 4.5.1, the GLMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) 1.04, plus games, customiz… |
OL16042303W |
Linux bible
Christopher Negus |
Demonstrates new Linux distributions while covering commands, installation, customizing the Linux shell, filesystem management, working with multimedia features, security, networking, and system admi… |
OL16115230W |
Roderick W. Smith |
"The first book to cover the LPIC-2 certification Linux allows developers to update source code freely, making it an excellent, low-cost, secure alternative to alternate, more expensive operating sy… |
OL16116684W |
The Linux Command Line
William E. Shotts |
You've experienced the shiny, point-and-click surface of your Linux computer -- now dive below and explore its depths with the power of the command line. The Linux Command Line takes you from your ve… |
OL16117040W |
Sumitabha Das |
Your UNIX/Linux: The Ultimate Guide, written with both users and programmers in mind, is the ultimate UNIX/Linux text. Both pedagogical tool and exhaustive reference, it is well-suited to any course … |
OL16263236W |
Linux in the Workplace
Specialized Systems Consultants |
If you're tired of paying prohibitive licensing fees, consider the (free) Linux operating system. Formerly the province of computer geeks, Linux is ready for everyday use, especially when coupled wit… |
OL16446242W |