Population and labour
International Labour Office |
ix, 163 p. 24 cm |
OL1121324W |
Illegal people
David Bacon |
For two decades photojournalist David Bacon has documented the connections between labor, migration, and the global economy. In Illegal People Bacon exposes the many ways globalization uproots people… |
OL11914365W |
From artisan to worker
Michael P. Fitzsimmons |
"From Artisan to Worker examines the largely overlooked debate over the potential reestablishment of guilds that occurred from 1776 to 1821. The abolition of guilds in 1791 overturned an organization… |
OL15501165W |
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
This report analyzes the main challenges for labor market and social policies in Slovenia and considers the available policy options from the perspective of OECD countries' experience. It finds that … |
OL18639791W |
Accounting for worker well-being
S. W. Polachek |
xiv, 441 p. : 23 cm |
OL19027567W |
Harnessing labour confrontation
Peter S. McInnis |
"The 1940s, a decade of heightened militancy and struggle on the shop floor and on the picket line, were crucial years in the labour history of Canada. The experience of the Depression, closely follo… |
OL6044001W |
Levi's Children
Karl Schoenberger |
"Levi Strauss is perhaps the ideal model for understanding how globalization has brought companies face-to-face with accusations of human rights violations. For years, the iconic blue-jeans maker has… |
OL8398816W |