Elizabeth Dana Jaffe |
Provides a history of juggling and instructions for performing several juggling tricks. |
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The juggler
Jeanette Hopkins |
Henri the farmer learns the secret to juggling when the circus comes to town. |
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Balancing magic and other tricks
Ormond McGill |
Describes how to do a variety of magic tricks and balancing tricks involving matches, balls, coins, eggs, glasses, and other materials. Includes performance tips and a lesson in juggling. |
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The Usborne book of juggling
Clive Gifford |
Provides instructions on learning basic juggling skills and developing a routine. |
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The Little Juggler
Barbara Cooney |
Retells the legend of the little juggler's search for a special Christmas gift for the Christ Child and the Blessed Mother. |
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Caroline Arnold |
Text and photographs follow Jahnathon Whitfield, a professional juggler, as he entertains audiences, teaches juggling skills, and attends a jugglers' convention. |
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Practice makes perfect
Lorenzo Liberto |
Matt and Maggie's friend Fergo the gopher wants to be a circus juggler so much that he never stops practicing, and he finally gets a chance to demonstrate what he can do. |
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The clown of God
Tomie dePaola |
A once-famous Italian juggler, now old and a beggar, gives one final performance before a statue of Our Lady and the Holy Child. |
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