Inventos inspirados en la naturaleza
Wan-doo Kim |
Este libro ilustrado para niños y jóvenes muestra varias inventos que estuvieron inspirados en la naturaleza, por ejemplo, el alambre de púas, el velcro, la excavadora, la armadura, las aletas de buc… |
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Cuál gran idea?
Kathy Burkett |
Los alumnos del señor Flask, de sexto grado, tienen un gran idea: venderán soluciones que le resuelvan a la gente sus problemas. El profesor von Offel ha creado una caja especial bastante ruidosa, cu… |
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Inventing the 20th century
Stephen Van Dulken |
Imagine your average day without zippers, airplanes, vacuum cleaners, without your personal stereo, without photocopiers. All of these devices were invented within the last hundred years and have sin… |
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Kids Inventing! A Handbook for Young Inventors
Susan Casey |
Have you ever seen inventors on TV or in the newspaper and thought, "That could be me!" Well, it certainly could--and this book shows you how. Kids Inventing! gives you easy-to-follow, step-by-step i… |
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