Das Jahr, in dem ich aufhörte, mir Sorgen zu machen, und anfing zu träumen
Thomas von Steinaecker |
Risiken abzusichern ist ihr Geschäft. Doch sie verstrickt sich in Unsicherheiten, trügerische Phantasien und Ängste. Brillant, packend und raffiniert erzählt Thomas von Steinaeckers großer Zeitroman … |
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The Impossible Love (Wildfire)
Arlene Hale |
*Just once, Jenny wants to have the edge on Pam . . .*
Jenny and Pam. Sisters.
Pam is gorgeous. Jenny is "interesting looking." Pam is popular. Jenny has two close friends. Pam has one boyfrie… |
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A Kiss for Tomorrow (Wildfire)
Maud Johnson |
*A lighting bug flew between Nick and me. Both of us reached for it, our palms cupped. We missed the bug, but our fingers touched and somehow Nick was holding my two hands in his, and he didn't turn … |
OL8262673W |