The new inflation
Slawson, W. David |
Won't economists eventually solve the inflation problem? Slawson shows that supply-siders, Marxists and pragmatric middle-of-the-roaders are all basing their ideas on out-of-date assumptons. Most pri… |
OL13348928W |
The Costs and Benefits of Price Stability
Martin Feldstein |
In recent years, the Federal Reserve and central banks worldwide have enjoyed remarkable success in their battle against inflation. The challenge now confronting the Fed and its counterparts is how t… |
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Wirtschaft verstehen
Lars Fiedler |
Dieses Buch gibt einen kompakten Überblick darüber, wie Volkswirtschaften funktionieren. Insbesondere werden die Fragen beantwortet, wie Geld entsteht, woher Zinsen kommen und ob eine Volkswirtschaft… |
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A. Gary Shilling |
Were you to have followed Shilling's advice in the early 1980s, you would have been a full participant in the 15-year bull market in both bonds and stocks that ensued...his analysis, as usual, deserv… |
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World inflation and the developing countries
William R. Cline |
In the 1970s the severe inflation and recession that afflicted the industral countries had repercussions on developing countries throughout the world. The industrial countries and the oil-importing d… |
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New perspectives on monetary policy, inflation and the business cycle
Jordi Gali,Jordi Galí,Jordi Galí |
The New Keynesian framework has emerged as the workhorse for the analysis of monetary policy and its implications for inflation, economic fluctuations, and welfare. It is the backbone of the new gene… |
OL4372981W |