The medieval Hungarian historians
C. A. Macartney |
xv, 190 p. 22 cm. |
OL1134527W |
Ernst von Dohnányi
James A. Grymes,Ilona Von Dohnanyi |
"Ernst von Dohnanyi (1877-1960) was one of the most highly respected musicians of his time. The young Dohnanyi enjoyed an international prestige that brought him into contact with such nineteenth-cen… |
OL11621413W |
The Violinist
Sarah Gaitanos |
'The Violinist' tells the life story of Clare Galambos Winter. A talented violinist in Budapest when the Germans occupied Hungary in March 1944, Klari, as she then was, went home to her family in Szo… |
OL15680173W |
Hungary today
Hungary. Központi Statisztikai Hivatal |
199 p. : 17 cm |
OL18884176W |
Development regions in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Canada
Andrew F. Burghardt |
xiii, 192 p. : 25 cm |
OL18999787W |
Raoul Wallenberg
Ingrid Carlberg |
"In this definitive biography, noted journalist Ingrid Carlberg has carried out unprecedented research into all elements of Wallenberg's life, narrating with vigor and insight the story of a heroic l… |
OL20023327W |
Tobias and the dragon
Val Biro |
Not even a fierce dragon can deter clever Tobias from succeeding in his search for his fortune. |
OL2013079W |
The Christmas Anna angel
Ruth Sawyer |
Just going on memory - but, this Christmas story is set in Hungary. Remember the snow illustrations with bright colors and the horse drawn sleigh. This story is based on my Grandmother and GreatAun… |
OL2254757W |
Az anarchizmus elmélete és magyarországi története
András Bozóki,Miklós Sükösd |
Anarchism in Hungary? One looks in vain for mention of Hungarians in the histories of anarchism by George Woodcock, Daniel Guerin, Marshall Shatz, or Peter Marshall. During the heyday of anarchism, w… |
OL2398955W |
Europica varietas, Hungarica varietas
Ágnes R. Várkonyi |
Essays written between 1980 and 1998 based on archival research done in Hungary and abroad. |
OL2581776W |
Raoul Wallenberg
Jamie Daniel |
Traces the life of the diplomat who saved Hungarian Jews during World War II and mysteriously disappeared after the Russians occupied Budapest. |
OL3942320W |
Richard S. Esbenshade |
In some ways, Hungary is an island. This may seem an odd description of a landlocked nation, a country with no coastline at all, but Hungary is a place unto itself. This Central European nation has o… |
OL3957393W |
The white stag
Kate Seredy |
For generations the tribes of Huns and Magyars had moved relentlessly westward, obeying the voices of their pagan gods, which compelled them to follow the elusive white stag to their promised homelan… |
OL4467518W |
I Am Fifteen--And I Don't Want to Die
Christine Arnothy |
**Everyone, regardless of age, should read this book, as told by a 15 year-old child, who lived through WWII, and was brave enough to share her experience, with the world.** Both Christine Arnothy an… |
OL706612W |