The Good Earth
Ruth Goode,Donald F. Roden,Stephen Colbourn,Nick Bertozzi,Pearl S. Buck,Ernst Simon |
This tells the poignant tale of a Chinese farmer and his family in old agrarian China. The humble Wang Lung glories in the soil he works, nurturing the land as it nurtures him and his family. Nearby,… |
OL1140109W |
MLA style manual and guide to scholarly publishing
Joseph Gibaldi |
Since its publication in 1985, the MLA Style Manual has been the standard guide for graduate students, teachers, and scholars in the humanities and for professional writers in many fields. Extensivel… |
OL114956W |
Finding the money
Preethi Burkholder |
"This book is a one-stop resource for individuals seeking to finance their education or career. In addition to providing classic, indispensable advice for prospective college students and their paren… |
OL12295045W |
Data matters
Nicholas Maxwell,Nick Maxwell,Maxwell, Nicholas Ph. D. |
The standard curriculum of an introductory course in statistics around 1990-2010 presented in easily accessible engaging language. Topics include sampling error, prediction, statistical inference, d… |
OL12350162W |
Modern science and human values
William W. Lowrance |
xiv, 250 pages ; 25 cm |
OL13317826W |
The making of the humanities
Jaap Maat,Rens Bod,Thijs Weststeijn |
This first volume in 'The making of the humanities' series focuses on the early modern period. Specialists from various disciplines offer their view on the history of linguistics, literary studies, m… |
OL16081240W |
Reception and the classics
William Brockliss |
"This volume collects the majority of papers given at a conference held at Yale University in 2007. That conference, also entitled Reception and the Classics, sought to define and articulate the part… |
OL16134649W |
Getting published in the humanities
Jeffrey Kahan |
"In most humanities fields, securing tenure proves impossible without at least one book under your belt. Yet despite the obvious importance of academic publishing, the process remains an enigma to mo… |
OL16190929W |
Cross-curricular teaching and learning in the secondary school--- humanities
Richard Harris |
"What is the role of the humanities in the modern school? Should geography, history, RE and Citizenship teachers remain faithful to long-standing subject cultures and pedagogies? Or is there another … |
OL16461552W |
The Anthropology of experience
Edward M. Bruner |
"Fourteen authors, including many of the best-known scholars in the field, explore how people actually experience their culture and how those experiences are expressed in forms as varied as narrative… |
OL16667323W |
Information resources in the humanities and the arts
Anna H. Perrault |
"This familiar guide to information resources in the humanities and the arts, organized by subjects and emphasizing electronic resources, enables librarians, teachers, and students to quickly find th… |
OL16726815W |
U berzeugungsstrategien (Heidelberger Jahrbu cher) (German Edition)
Angelos Chaniotis |
Wissentlich oder unwissentlich sind wir sta ndig mit U berzeugungsstrategien konfrontiert: in Werbung, Politik und Alltagskommunikation. Vertreter eines weiten Fa cherspektrums (u. a. Philosophie, Si… |
OL16928584W |
Education's end
Anthony T. Kronman |
The question of what living is for - of what one should care about and why - is the most important question a person can ask. Yet under the influence of the modern research ideal, our colleges and un… |
OL16969260W |
Open Access and the Humanities
Martin Paul Eve |
If you work in a university, you are almost certain to have heard the term 'open access' in the past couple of years. You may also have heard either that it is the utopian answer to all the problems … |
OL17076653W |
Academic instincts
Marjorie B. Garber |
In this book, cultural critic Marjorie Garber, who has written on topics as different as Shakespeare, dogs, cross-dressing, and real estate, explores the pleasures and pitfalls of academic life. Acad… |
OL17314985W |
Jacques Derrida and the Humanities
Tom Cohen |
The work of Jacques Derrida has transformed our understanding of a range of disciplines in the humanities through its questioning of some of the basic tenets of western metaphysics. This volume is a … |
OL174350W |
Can that be Right?
Allan Franklin |
In this collection of essays Allan Franklin defends the view that science provides us with knowledge about the world which is based on experimental evidence and on reasoned and critical discussion. I… |
OL19833149W |
The Changing Image of the Sciences
Ida H. Stamhuis |
The theme was chosen because of the great concern with the worldwide decreasing interest in the natural sciences. The image of these sciences as dull, uninspiring, masculine, environmentally unfriend… |
OL19833837W |
Cognition, Agency and Rationality
Kepa Korta |
As usual, the Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Cognitive Science include leading-edge work by outstanding researchers in the field. This volume contains three kinds of papers correspond… |
OL19835145W |
Determinism, Holism, and Complexity
V. Benci |
This volume is the proceedings of a workshop to discuss the recent work on complex systems in physics and biology, its epistemological and cultural implications, and its effect for the development of… |
OL19841554W |