The Human Zoo
Desmond Morris |
Morris looks closely at the human species under the stresses and pressures of urban living.This study concerns the city dweller. Morris finds remarkable similarities with captive zoo animals and look… |
OL104152W |
Evidence as to man's place in nature
Thomas Henry Huxley |
Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature is an 1863 book by Thomas Henry Huxley, in which he gives evidence for the evolution of man and apes from a common ancestor. It was the first book devoted to the … |
OL1102961W |
From naked ape to superspecies
David T. Suzuki,Holly Dressel |
From Naked Ape to Super Species takes an unflinching look at where we are at this unprecedented moment in history. Suzuki and Dressel reveal that a clear and present environmental danger is staring u… |
OL111002W |
Up from Eden
Ken Wilber |
Combining contemplative inspiration with the work of Erich Neumann, and a good dose of advanced psychoanalysis (Particurally Norman Brown), Wilber delivers to mankind in a single volume answers to mo… |
OL114266W |
Toward consilience
Gerald A Cory |
"This book is a comprehensive effort to establish a framework for consilience - the unification of the natural and social sciences. Grounded in physics, molecular biology, and evolutionary neuroscien… |
OL12001260W |
The Neanderthal legacy
Stan Gooch |
"A direct appeal for a revolution in our educational system to restore the connection with our Neanderthal heritage"--Provided by publisher. |
OL126664W |
Instinct and revelation
Alondra Yvette Oubré |
xvi,299p. : 23cm |
OL13199817W |
How did humans evolve?
Richard D. Alexander |
The most mysterious and compelling unanswered question about ourselves is how we came to be. What caused us to evolve our marvelous intellects and our unsurpassedly complex social life? Why are we so… |
OL1346715W |
Evolution Rx
William Meller |
A revolutionaryyet simple and practicalguide to staying fit and healthy based on evolutionary medicine.Countless books and nutrition experts have advised modern readers to adopt the best of the cave-… |
OL13654258W |
Every living thing
Rob R. Dunn |
Biologists and laypeople alike have repeatedly claimed victory over life. A thousand years ago we thought we knew almost everything; a hundred years ago, too. But even today, Rob Dunn argues, discove… |
OL13752893W |
The first people
Henri de Saint-Blanquat |
Traces the evolution of human beings from the creation of the universe to the advent of the Neanderthals. Also discusses how archaeologists use available evidence to reconstruct the past. |
OL14866364W |
Graham Hancock |
Less than fifty thousand years ago mankind had no art, no religion, no sophisticated symbolism, no innovative thinking. Then, in a dramatic and electrifying change, described by scientists as "the gr… |
OL15016010W |
The evolutionary biology of human body fatness
Jonathan C. K. Wells |
"This comprehensive synthesis of current medical and evolutionary literature addresses key questions about the role body fat plays in human biology. It explores how body energy stores are regulated, … |
OL15081980W |
God and the evolving universe
Michael Murphy,Sylvia Timbers,James Redfield |
In a world racked by violence and conflict, James Redfield and Michael Murphy-leading cocreators of today's spiritual boom-present a message of hope and a vision for the future.It is no accident, the… |
OL15140831W |
Steve Jones |
Publisher's description: Renowned scientist and author Steve Jones reveals the mysteries of maleness and arrives at a startling conclusion: men are actually the second sex. Beginning with what men co… |
OL15156941W |
On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favoured races in t…
Charles Darwin |
facsimile of the first edition
OCLC 62857845
ISBN 9780486450063 |
OL15330324W |
Conceiving God
J. David Lewis-Williams |
This book is a controversial exploration of the origin of religion in the neurology of the human brain. The author first describes how science developed within the cocoon of religion and then shows h… |
OL15422279W |
Darwin's sacred cause
Adrian J. Desmond |
There is a mystery surrounding Darwin: How did this quiet, respectable gentleman, a pillar of his parish, come to embrace one of the most radical ideas in the history of human thought? Darwin risked … |
OL15444147W |
Big history and the future of humanity
Fred Spier |
""Big History" places the human past within the history of life, the Earth, and the Universe. In doing so, the emerging field of historical study provides us with an overview of the known past in its… |
OL15470372W |
Reproduction and adaptation
C. G. N. Mascie-Taylor |
"In the space of one generation major changes have begun to take place in the field of human reproduction. A rapid increase in the control of fertility and the understanding and treatment of sexual h… |
OL15520972W |