Tropical grazing lands
Robert Orr Whyte |
234 p., 1 fold leaf : 21 cm |
OL11928113W |
Grazing management processes and strategies for riparian-wetland areas
Alma H. Winward,Steve Leonard,Laura Van Riper |
This technical reference provides the most current information to further assist livestock operators and land managers in developing successful riparian-wetland grazing management strategies across a… |
OL18773188W |
The art and science of grazing
Sarah Flack |
Grazing management might seem simple: just put livestock in a pasture and let them eat their fill. However, as Sarah Flack explains in The Art and Science of Grazing, the pasture/livestock relationsh… |
OL20038938W |
Livestock grazing management and water quality protection
Eric Janes,John Sainsbury |
This report is a State of the Art Reference of methods, procedures and practices for including water quality considerations in livestock grazing management activities. The document identifies existin… |
OL20062809W |
Riley grazing management program
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Oregon State Office |
The Bureau of Land Management proposes to implement livestock grazing management on 1,081,140 acres (55 allotments) of public land in central Oregon. Unallotted status would continue on 11,867 acres.… |
OL20082159W |
Lakeview grazing management program
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Oregon State Office |
The Bureau of Land Management proposes to implement livestock grazing management on 3,342,026 acres of public land in south central Oregon. Grazing management is proposed on 3,199,842 acres (185 allo… |
OL20141714W |
Aspen management guidelines for BLM lands in north-central Nevada
Charles E. Kay |
The status and trend of aspen communities in north-central Nevada is not related to climatic variation, fire suppression, forest succession, or mule deer browsing. It is related to past and present l… |
OL24873596W |
Authorized grazing within grazing districts 1947-1993
Larry L. Walker |
This report presents a history of grazing on BLM lands Within Grazing Districts administered under Section 3 of the Taylor Grazing Act. The tables and charts were compiled from data published in Publ… |
OL24873981W |
The condition and trend of aspen on BLM lands in north-central Nevada with recommendations for mana…
Charles E. Kay |
The status and trend of aspen communities in north-central Nevada is not related to climatic variation, fire suppression, forest succession, or mule deer browsing. It is related to past and present l… |
OL24938126W |
Avian responses to management of riparian habitat in the Prineville District, Bureau of Land Manage…
Hilary A. Cooke |
Reports on research that demonstrates that the key to restoration of riparian habitat for songbird occupancy is management that is guided by those features of the woody vegetation affected by livesto… |
OL26437235W |
Surface water analysis and management recommendations for the Carico Lake Allotment
Joe Ratliff |
"In 1999, the Battle Mountain Field Office, Bureau of Land Management, in Nevada, utilized Clean Water Action Plan directed funds to conduct a baseline water quality analysis of the Carico Lake allot… |
OL26455548W |
The impact of alternative federal grazing fees on western livestock businesses
C. Kerry Gee |
Many western livestock businesses depend on federal rangeland administered by the USFA Forest Service or the USDI Bureau of Land Management as a feed resource. Between 10-15 percent of the sheep in t… |
OL32008843W |
Managing change
Ed Chaney |
"This document is a sequel and companion piece to its predecessor, [Livestock Grazing on Western Riparian Areas, 1990]. Together they are designed to foster broader understanding of how improved graz… |
OL32008854W |
Egan resource area
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Ely District |
"The Egan Resource Area consists of approximately 3.8 million acres of public land in eastern Nevada. This record of decision applies to the entire resource area. Management framework plan (MFP) deci… |
OL32008860W |
Managing Grass for Horses
Elizabeth Ranelagh |
The responsible owner's guide.
In-depth manual for horse owners.
How to tailor your grassland to the type of horse or pony and your requirements as an owner.
Covers the horses nutritional needs, e… |
OL9683403W |