Landing page optimization
Tim Ash |
How much money are you losing because of poor landing page design? In this comprehensive, step-by-step guide, you'll learn all the skills necessary to dramatically improve your bottom line, including… |
OL12302296W |
Be #1 on Google
Jon Smith |
Google Your Way to the Top of Your Industry!It's great to have a punchy Web site, but if you aren't optimizing your search-engine presence, you're just another company lost in cyberspace.With Be #1 o… |
OL13773475W |
Getting organized in the Google era
Douglas Clark Merrill |
Whether it's a faulty memory, a tendency to multitask, or difficulty managing our time, every one of us has limitations conspiring to keep us from being organized. But, as organizational guru and for… |
OL13839026W |
Easy Google
Shelley O'Hara |
With the Web at 6 billion pages and growing, information online is not stored or organized in any logical fashion. The Internet itself is not run or managed by any central organization. There are mor… |
OL14870660W |
Marketing in the age of Google
Vanessa Fox |
Search has changed everything. Search has become woven into our everyday lives, and permeates offline as well as online activities. Every business should have a search strategy. How a business appe… |
OL15026972W |
Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 hours
Lauren Darcey |
Authors Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder offer software developers step-by-step instruction on how to create and distribute their first marketable, professional Android applications. Each chapter conta… |
OL15169153W |
Google Voice For Dummies
Bud E Smith |
Save time and money with Google's revolutionary new phone system Google Voice combines existing phone lines, e-mail, and Web access into one central communication channel. Tech industry watchers ex… |
OL15179820W |
The Art of Seo
Eric Enge,Rand Fishkin,Stephan Spencer,Jessie Stricchiola |
"Four of the most noted experts in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) provide you with proven guidelines and cutting-edge techniques for planning and executing a comprehensive SEO strategy… |
OL15910386W |
Your Google game plan for success
Joe Teixeira |
Presents strategies for writing a successful Internet advertising campaign using Google AdWords and explores the technology of Google Analytics and Google Website Optimizer. |
OL15979742W |
Getting started with Google Apps
Paul Darbyshire |
"With this book , you get clear and easy-to-use instructions for getting up-and-running with basic Google Apps like Gmail, Blogger, Google Sites, and more. In addition, you get detailed visuals and s… |
OL16122341W |
Digital wars
Charles Arthur |
"The first time that Apple, Google and Microsoft found themselves sharing the same digital space was 1998. They were radically different companies that would subsequently fight a series of battles fo… |
OL16240360W |
Pro web gadgets
Sterling Udell |
The miniature web applications known as gadgets (or widgets) are a key component of the Distributed Web and an ideal way to publish your content far beyond the reach of your own web site. Packaging w… |
OL16299891W |
How Google Tests Software
James A. Whittaker |
Hundreds of millions of lines of code distributed across billions of source files. Billions of build actions prompting millions of automated tests daily. Hundreds of thousands of browser instances da… |
OL16486545W |
Google+ for dummies
Jesse Stay |
Describes the features of the Google+ social networking site, covering such topics as setting up a profile, creating circles, posting, finding content, gaming, using Google+ on mobile devices, and us… |
OL16557571W |
Google SketchUp 7 for dummies
Aidan Chopra |
In classic "For Dummies" tradition, "Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies" gets right to the point so you can start creating 3D models right away; use the LayOut function to draw with vector tools; export y… |
OL16767213W |
Google SketchUp 8 for dummies
Aidan Chopra |
A beginner's guide to using Google SketchUp for creating three-dimensional models covers the basics for creating and altering models and sharing the finished work. |
OL16928802W |
Nexus One
Dan Gookin |
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Google Guice
Robbie Vanbrabant |
Annotation |
OL16982962W |
Droid companion
Eric Butow |
New owner of a Droid? Enjoy it even more with this perfect guide Congratulations on owning one of the hottest smartphones on the planet—more than 400,000 new Android phones are activated every … |
OL16987373W |
In the Plex
Steven Levy |
Written with full cooperation from top management, including cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, this is the inside story behind Google, the most successful and most admired technology company of … |
OL17717287W |