
20+ results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Landing page optimization Landing page optimization Tim Ash How much money are you losing because of poor landing page design? In this comprehensive, step-by-step guide, you'll learn all the skills necessary to dramatically improve your bottom line, including… OL12302296W
Be #1 on Google Be #1 on Google Jon Smith Google Your Way to the Top of Your Industry!It's great to have a punchy Web site, but if you aren't optimizing your search-engine presence, you're just another company lost in cyberspace.With Be #1 o… OL13773475W
Getting organized in the Google era Getting organized in the Google era Douglas Clark Merrill Whether it's a faulty memory, a tendency to multitask, or difficulty managing our time, every one of us has limitations conspiring to keep us from being organized. But, as organizational guru and for… OL13839026W
Easy Google Easy Google Shelley O'Hara With the Web at 6 billion pages and growing, information online is not stored or organized in any logical fashion. The Internet itself is not run or managed by any central organization. There are mor… OL14870660W
Marketing in the age of Google Marketing in the age of Google Vanessa Fox Search has changed everything. Search has become woven into our everyday lives, and permeates offline as well as online activities. Every business should have a search strategy. How a business appe… OL15026972W
Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 hours Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 hours Lauren Darcey Authors Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder offer software developers step-by-step instruction on how to create and distribute their first marketable, professional Android applications. Each chapter conta… OL15169153W
Google Voice For Dummies Google Voice For Dummies Bud E Smith Save time and money with Google's revolutionary new phone system Google Voice combines existing phone lines, e-mail, and Web access into one central communication channel. Tech industry watchers ex… OL15179820W
The Art of Seo The Art of Seo Eric Enge,Rand Fishkin,Stephan Spencer,Jessie Stricchiola "Four of the most noted experts in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) provide you with proven guidelines and cutting-edge techniques for planning and executing a comprehensive SEO strategy… OL15910386W
Your Google game plan for success Your Google game plan for success Joe Teixeira Presents strategies for writing a successful Internet advertising campaign using Google AdWords and explores the technology of Google Analytics and Google Website Optimizer. OL15979742W
Getting started with Google Apps Getting started with Google Apps Paul Darbyshire "With this book , you get clear and easy-to-use instructions for getting up-and-running with basic Google Apps like Gmail, Blogger, Google Sites, and more. In addition, you get detailed visuals and s… OL16122341W
Digital wars Digital wars Charles Arthur "The first time that Apple, Google and Microsoft found themselves sharing the same digital space was 1998. They were radically different companies that would subsequently fight a series of battles fo… OL16240360W
Pro web gadgets Pro web gadgets Sterling Udell The miniature web applications known as gadgets (or widgets) are a key component of the Distributed Web and an ideal way to publish your content far beyond the reach of your own web site. Packaging w… OL16299891W
How Google Tests Software How Google Tests Software James A. Whittaker Hundreds of millions of lines of code distributed across billions of source files. Billions of build actions prompting millions of automated tests daily. Hundreds of thousands of browser instances da… OL16486545W
Google+ for dummies Google+ for dummies Jesse Stay Describes the features of the Google+ social networking site, covering such topics as setting up a profile, creating circles, posting, finding content, gaming, using Google+ on mobile devices, and us… OL16557571W
Google SketchUp 7 for dummies Google SketchUp 7 for dummies Aidan Chopra In classic "For Dummies" tradition, "Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies" gets right to the point so you can start creating 3D models right away; use the LayOut function to draw with vector tools; export y… OL16767213W
Google SketchUp 8 for dummies Google SketchUp 8 for dummies Aidan Chopra A beginner's guide to using Google SketchUp for creating three-dimensional models covers the basics for creating and altering models and sharing the finished work. OL16928802W
Nexus One Nexus One Dan Gookin Annotation OL16944234W
Google Guice Google Guice Robbie Vanbrabant Annotation OL16982962W
Droid companion Droid companion Eric Butow New owner of a Droid? Enjoy it even more with this perfect guide Congratulations on owning one of the hottest smartphones on the planet—more than 400,000 new Android phones are activated every … OL16987373W
In the Plex In the Plex Steven Levy Written with full cooperation from top management, including cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, this is the inside story behind Google, the most successful and most admired technology company of … OL17717287W
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